NYT’s Op-Docs project selected the 20-mins Indian documentary film Searching for Saraswati made by Shirley Abraham and Amit Madheishya in Mughalwali village in Hryana. The real Saraswati river which flows in the name of Prachi Saraswti in Puri district has been denied its historic position due to apathy of not only the government but also by the so called scholars of Indian history.
I have written two letters to ASI to come forward with its eminent scholars for an open debate in Bhubaneswar on this; even ASI can hire some eminent scholars to face this challenge. But they did not listen and went on their excavation project on the bank of this river. This nature of official historians is dangerously funded to preach false notion on historic subject.
The simple thing I told them is that ancient India is not the present political India. This thing I also brought to the notice of ICHR and threw a similar challenge before them. But these historians fixed with a text-book mind are unable to face the truth in the light of Ptolemy’s maps which they have not read for more than seven decades.
There are some Indologists who make and unmake India’s historic past by their published books and articles and who throw such dangerous opinion on mythological nature of the River Saraswati that it hampers the truth of the subject to take roots. There are their Indian scholar-followers who politicise the historic past of the country out of their inherited ignorance.
River Saraswati got its name from the name of Saravati which was then situated on its bank; this name identifies the hermitage of Sage Kapila, the fifth incarnation of Vishnu which was also situated on its bank. Sage Kapila discovered the first lipi or alphabets called Siddha-lipi. This river marks the ancient Greek settlements on the ‘north’ ; Kapila was born in the House of Sage Karddama, same as Cadmus of the Greek. A river is known by the place it passes through; so one river is seen to have adopted various other names in history. Saraswati river was known as Rohini river in Buddha’s time; it was Dan river during biblical times; in Homer’s epics it is called the river Styx.
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