Miriam’s story begins from the land of Moeris or the Mayuri, means the ‘Peacock’, the bird which is identified as the burden of animal of God Chemosh or Kumar, Assyrians’ Creation God.
“Sing to the Eternal, for He has triumphed gloriously;
Horse and driver He has hurled into the sea.” (Exodus 15:20-21)
‘As Miriam stood upon the shores and gazed across the sea,
‘The wonder of this miracle she soon came to believe…’
Name ‘Mi Chamochah’ refers to God Chemosh, and Seat of His Worship was in the Comar Island near which was the Comari Island; this God Chemosh, who is identified with God Kumar of Indian puranas, stands gloriously for the ‘cause’ and protection of women; this Island of Comar is called Male Island by some scholars(please, do not say it as Male Island of Christianity). And the text ‘Sh’mot Rabbah’( 21:10), here refers to the ‘Land of Sun’; shmot refers to Wife or ‘Mata’ of ‘s ‘sheez or Sri’; and Rabbah means ‘Rabi’, or ‘Sun’. Shemot marks name of a place in the City of Sun.
Mt Oromenus is same as Mt Aoronous of Alexander’s historians; it is again the same as Mt Aruna referring to the City of Sun near land of the Moriyas or Mt Moriah.
Mi Chamochah becomes goddess Kamakshi, a tantric deity, of later day scholars ; place of worship of this goddess is at Kamarupa, which identifies the biblical Qumran. This place was visited by Alexander as well as Paul. The glorious story of this goddess has been versified in most of the Indian puranas.
Mi Chamocha or Mi Kamocha is considered as a Tantric deity. Here ‘Mi’ stands for ‘Maa’, or ‘Mother’.
Hebr Yam should be seen as Yama, King of Death, whose place of worship marks the first temple at Jerusalem. It does not mean ‘Sea’ as some scholars think. The Red Sea always refers to the Erythraen Sea of the Periplus, which is not at all different from the Caspian Sea or the Persian Gulf.
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