The biblical story of Bethlehem is very interesting; but this story puts two things at the forefront: the Magis, and the ‘star’ that prominently represents the birth star of Jesus. Wisdom of the ancient writers which modern scholars always try to avoid in one way or the other buries the truth of the subject in contains within its verses. This star rises from Jacob(Nm 24:17). Here Jacob has been treated as name of a place.
Story of the Magi is at the centre of this biblical narrative that identifies the seat of worship of the body-relics-place of Sage Megha(Indra) or Mogha at ‘Sir’ or ‘Sri’, and this marks the ‘Heaven’ itself. Magis were the historical descendants of Sage Megha who is called Bodhisattva Indra. He is directly related to the ‘Star Magha’. This star rises ‘first’ or ‘sighted’ first at this place in Feb-March at the early hours before the sun-rise on the eastern sky in the Leo sign. Its English translation is the most unfortunate one for the scientific world when it is named as Dog-Star which is associated with the cultivation and production of frankincense and myrrh and marks this place exactly at Panchaia, This again is the place in the neighbourhood of this seat of worship at the City of Sun itself. The scientific part of this Star Magha is inherent in the fact the lunar station of the Great Bear is in the sign Leo itself, the 10th Sign of the Zodiac.
David’s kingship is also seen through this ‘star’ as well as participation of the Magis during the time of the rise of this ‘ star’ who brought the gift of the frankincense for the king.
Vergil sings in his Ecologue, the rising of this star for the kings:
‘Yet will I, too, in turn, as best I may, Sing thee the song, and to the stars uplift, Thy Daphnis-Daphnis to the stars extol. For me too Daphnis loved(V)……..’. ‘Why, Daphnis, upward gazing, do you mark, The ancient risings of the Stars? For look, Where Dionean Caesar’s star comes forth, in Heaven……’(IX).
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