Austria’s world heritage site at Salzburg identifies the ancient plain of the river ‘Sarju’ of the epic the Ramayana (Sajur of the Bible) along with Manasseh or Manasarovar Lake which was the source of this river. Most migrants’ memory dwelled in the deified nature of Jerusalem on the ‘east’ which forms the central part of the ‘Seats of Eight-Gods’ (or Bible’s Astarte or the Astalokapala(of Indian puranas); as this particular land was anciently connected with memory of the ancestors and the creation-story. Migrants are seen to have given this name attached to their ‘second homes’ in one way or the other.
Austria’s root is in ‘asta or oste-‘, means ‘eight’ and ‘-reich’ is as same as the ‘land’ in Uruk region or Uruk itself. Etymological science has never tried to study the origin of ancient names through geographical situations of the ancient world. Many land-names or human settlements owe their origins to the names of trees, animals, and birds; this peculiar identity of ancient lands gradually has disappeared due to various reasons including English translation of words. ‘Osta’ is also the local name for the ‘Tree of Wisdom’, and the place of this ‘Tree’ was then in ancient Uruk at the meeting point of three rivers; it be may be that Osterreich, which was one of the Eight Seats of Gods, identifies the site of this divine tree at Uruk or reich. As Uruk marks the Eastern Quarter of the ‘inhabited world’, its other name was the Land of the Rising Sun or the ‘realm of east’.
Austria is centrally located in Europe bordered by Czech and Germany to the north, Hungary and Slovakia to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the west.
While Alps etymologically identifies itself with Mt Alaba same as Alavi, Alborg and Olebe, Bavarian marks the ancient country of Baveru which according to scholars, represents the ancient Babylon; the latter also stands for the Egyptian Bubastis and Byblos of the Bible.
Its Slovenian name “Ostravica” (sharp mountain) originated from its ancient identity attached with the term ‘-ravica’ or Land of Ravi or means the ‘sun’. It was one of the eight seats of worships in the eastern deified region of the ‘inhabited world’.
Celtic tribes were anciently known as the Koliyans or the Chaldaeans; even people living under the kings of Coili were called in this name whose historic royal origin is traced along with the Sakyas. Celtics in Kingdom of Noricum identify their ancient settlements on the bank of the Narayana Ser(means ‘pond’) as same as the Caspian Sea. Petronell marks again its neighbouring Petra and Neil region along with Corinth or Karuna as same as Carnun-Tom; the latter pinpoints the Tomal or Tamraparni on its neighbourhood to the north. Here Pannonia stands for the ancient Punon or Pan. Sarju river like the Neil were then flowing on the lotus producing region. Names of these two rivers identify them with colour of the lotus.
The most interesting name associated with Austria is ‘marchia’ and ‘orientalis’; the former’s origin is either in ‘Marichi’ or in ‘machha’; while Marichi is name of a Sage both in Indian puranas and also in the Bible, the latter identifies the ‘Fish Country’ as same as Macedonia. Story of the Fish Country forms the base of the story of Alexander’s India invasion account. Leopold defines itself as Lambardo or the Lambakarnas means ‘people having ‘Long Ears’. Slavs means people of the ancient Sravasti; Avars identify themselves with people of ancient Avanti. Babenberg is as same as Babylon on the neighbourhood of the settlements of the frank tribes. Domplatz interestingly pinpoints the settlements of Dan tribes; here –platz means ‘vasta’ or settlements of vatsya people. The most significant monuments of the city are located in the Altstadt; and the latter means a ‘stupa’ of ‘Alt’ or ‘Alati’, site for placement of candles.
According to Unesco, ‘Salzburg is the point where the Italian and German cultures met and which played a crucial role in the exchanges between these two cultures. ….The Salzburg skyline, against a backdrop of mountains, is characterized by its profusion of spires and domes, dominated by the fortress of Hohen Salzburg. …..There is a clear separation, visible on the ground and on the map, between the lands of the Prince-Archbishops and those of the burghers. The former is characterized by its monumental buildings – the Cathedral, the Residence, the Franciscan Abbey, the Abbey of St Peter – and its open spaces, the Domplatz in particular. The burghers’ houses, by contrast, are on small plots and front onto narrow streets, with the only open spaces provided by the three historic markets’.
Rohen Salzburg, perhaps mean ‘Rohin’ Salzburg. The former identifies the a star, a river(from which the name of Rhine has been derived), and name of a city on the bank of the river in this name. it identifies name of a king in this name. According to pali sources, Rohan was name of an ancient tribe
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