This transboundary heritage site of Unesco stands on the border between Poland and Belarus. While Poland’s border marks Podlaskie Voivodeship sitting close to this heritage site, Brest and Grodon voblasts both identify the border side of Belarus. These names help in identifying the ancient origin of the migrants who arrived in this place along with their animals and plants in a big way.
The name of this heritage site offers some significant clue to identify its origin; it is called Baltvyzio giria and Bielaviezskaja Pusca(Polish Puszcza) and here ‘giria’ means ‘mountain’, and –vyzio again marks ‘vajra’ means ‘Thunder’. So meaning is very clearly when the heritage site identifies the ‘Thunder Mountain’ of ‘Balt’ ; here ‘Balt’ should be seen as ‘Blue’ or the ‘Baal’ God of the Bible.
Pusca or Puszcza pinpoints the ‘Pushkar’, another sacred place of the ‘inhabited world’. It may also signify the City of Puskala-vati, sitting close to the city of Rome. This historic confirmation comes from the name of Belarus border village ‘Brest’ ( or Island of Blest)which sits next to this heritage site.
Tower of Kamyenyets is exactly the same as Kamyaka forest represented by Goddess Kamakshi; This narks the seat of Goddess in ancient Jerusalem. White Tower means ‘Dhavala Parbata’ or Mt Dhavala. Belaya Vezha in Polish pinpoints the Temple in Rome. The name pushcha is a very wonderful word which refers to the biblical ‘eschate’ or ‘end of the world’ or Saketa of other ancient texts. But here the exact meaning is puchhah or ‘back’.
Present Name Ancient Name
Podlaskie—Badrakshi or Badrika at the foot of the Mt Imaos
Voivodeship—or Viovo-deship means Bibhrajya varsha or Mt Meru or Mt Imaos
Grodon voblasts—Udiyan varsha or Udiyan or Udra-byabastha or Uden country
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