World Heritage Site at Rupa Nui National Park keeps its historic identity attached to ahu and moai cultural structures. Historians think it is the indigenous name of the Easter Island.
The original cult of the country is represented by the name ‘Chile’ itself; it is name of a ‘bird’ called ‘Chila’ ; this bird is fed on special occasions in order to satisfy the ancestors. ‘Kau’ is also name of a ‘bird’ which means ‘crow’; the name Orongo testifies the original homeland of the migrants; it identifies itself with Rangha of the Avesta which is the other name of the river Ganges; it also stands for the river Orontes of the classics. Name of Aurangzeb and Aurangabad are identical with this name Orongo which has its root in the name of sons of the King Renu; Kau and River Koa are linked to Renu, same as Rano.
Easter Island is largely misunderstood by scholars; it means ‘Eight Villages’ means ‘Asta-grama’ ; Ranga is one of the eight villages. Here Ahu stands for Yahweh of the Bible and Ahura of the Avesta; moari means ‘mayuari’ or the daughter of a mayura clan like Mary of the Bible; It is also name of a place called Mahri, a neighbourly place to the seat of worship of Ahura Mazda; so Easter island does not represent Rupa Nui which rather stands for Rupa, name of a monastery; and Nui means ‘nari’ or ‘women’ . Mother of Saripputta, the foremost disciple of the Buddha was known as Rupa-sari; it shows the migrants were followers of Sariputta; here Saripuuta Nui means son of Rupa-sari.
Unesco’s findings that ‘Rupa Nui culture displays characteristics that are expressed in singular architecture and sculpture within the Polynesian context’, is not right; like Easter Island, Polynesians form a separate cultural identity for themselves. It is a cultural identity that is born out of the Flood-story; it displays a mixture of different social groups’ shared-geographical platform in their new destinations.
Unesco observes that, ‘Rupa Nui National Park contains one of the most remarkable cultural phenomena in the world. An artistic and architectural tradition of great power and imagination was developed by a society that was completely isolated from external cultural influences of any kind for over a millennium’. The unique story of the Rupa Nui cannot be evaluated in the absence of knowledge of their ancient identity.
Ahu Tongariki— Ahu Anagarika means a follower of the Buddha
Toki—An unmarried girl
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