Unesco finds the history of Asmara world heritage site linked with the history of Italy as a colonial power in 1890; ‘The ensembles attesting to the colonial power and to the presence of a strong and religiously diverse local civic society, with its institutional and religious places, the elements of the urban architecture (Harnet and Sematat avenues; Mai Jah Jah park; the walking paths; the old plaques with traces of the street names), the buildings, complexes and facilities resulting from the 1930s programmes (the post office building at Segeneyti (Street), the cinemas (Impero, Roma, Odeon, Capitol, Hamasien), the schools, the sport facilities, the garages, the residential complexes and buildings, the villas, the commercial buildings, the factories; the cores of the community quarters (e.g. the Italian quarter and market square and mosque square); the major religious buildings, marking the landscape with bell-towers, spires, and minarets, and the civil and military cemeteries which illustrate the diversity of the populations and of their rituals’. It reflects the ritual inheritance of the neighbouring Arbate Asmera and Abbashawel.
Eritrea refers to Arithapur which is exactly the same as the Erythraean Sea; it identifies itself with ancient Sivi or the Thebes of the Greeks. Its golden history marks the rise and fall of the history of the ‘inhabited world’ itself.
Asmara marks the ancient Asama of the Pali and Asmaka of ancient history and also it identifies the ancient Kashmira whose history is the history of the Buddhas; Asama is the generic name of a class of devas, and they are mentioned along with the Yamas, or the twins of Yama. Asokamala was the name of a chandala woman who became the wife of Prince Sali.
Asmara is not represented by the Arabic Tigrinya; the latter stands for Tigiria in the Erythraean Sea region; it was however neighbourly to Kasmira. The four clans living on the Kebessa Plateau keeps a wonderful record of their ancient homelands from where a group of women migrated and settled here. Kasmira was situated on the bank of the Caspian Sea same as Kesaba Sea or Kesaba Bridge of the Avesta.
Harnet—Herat, seat of worship of goddess Hera; an ancient port.
Sematat—identical with Samatata of Pali, a Sakyan stronghold.
Mai Jah Jah—Majjhima-desha or the Middle Country/ the ‘centre of the earth’.
Roma—‘rama’ means ‘Ramanaka women’ or women of Rome.
Odeon—Uden or Uddiyan/Udra
Hamasien—Hamsa means ‘Swan’; a clan name.
Gheza Gurtom—Ghosha/Gaga Gautom/Gotom; here Ghosha stands for a
Gheza Shelele— Ghosha/Gaga Sheela
Gheza Serenser— Ghosha/Gaga Soron(from Serendvipa same as Saraceni)
Gheza Asmae— Ghosha/Gaga Sama.
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