This is an interesting world heritage site which has immense historical potentiality to dispel the blind belief that present Greece does not represent its ancient counterpart.
While Suomenlinna refers to Symron, Sveaborg, its other name, pinpoints ‘Sova or Sorova’ and this is Sophia of the Bible. Until 1918, Suomenlinna was called Viapori which is the exact name for Vyaghra or Bagha’; Ancient texts mention Smyron or Surama(means ‘beauitful’) finds it as a place on the bank of the river Saraswati. Pali sources speak of a seven storied fortress which Sudhodana built for Sidhartha to provide him with all sorts of comforts and called it ‘Surama’(also Suramya). Some ancient texts mention it as Sumha. Classical scholars identify it as birthplace of Homer. Name Finland identifies itself with ‘Jinn’ or ‘Zion’ which means ‘Land of the Wise’ that marks the Jinas or the Sages and the Buddhas. Lotus Sutra knows it as Gina. The six heritage sites accordingly have kept the memory of this cultural tradition of the migrants’ homelands on the bank of the river Stora which is as same as Styx or the river Saraswati. Pali texts know Gina or Jina as Bodhisattvas, a prior condition of Buddhahood.
The six islands connected with this heritage site are :
Kustaanmiekka (sv:Vargskär / Gustavssvärd)— or Kustaan-miekka same as Kusta or Kakusthan or Khotan; marks Mt Caucasus as well as birthplace of Christ along with it.
Vargskar—Sage Bhrugu/Vyaghra-path, connected with Khotan and Bhogga contry.
Gustavssvärd—Gusta-vassvard or Gosta Vastu/Vassabha
Susisaari (sv:Vargö)—Sua-Sari/ a place name/Sausa and Saura
Vargö—Bhaggavato, a tribe/ Bhogga country
Iso-Mustasaari (sv:Stora Östersvartö)—Isha-varta/bearded or the haired-monks; Musta-siva as King of Ceylon.
Stora—Toya means Stream of Sacred Water/same as Tyre and Troy
Östersvartö—‘Asta’-barta or the Eight Great Stupas on the banks of the river Saraswati/ marks Othaca( Greek Ithica) near Khotan representing hermitages of Eight Great Sages including Asta-bakra.
Pikku-Mustasaari (sv:Lilla Östersvartö)—Bhikshu Musta-Saari
Lilla Östersvartö—Ayila or El or Ila-country on the bank of Saraswati ; means Khotan and other places along with Osters-varto or Asta-rishi/Lila is also name of a queen etc.
Länsi-Mustasaari (sv:Västersvartö),—Ansi/Lanzi or Laza of Musta-saari
Västersvartö—Vasistha –abarta or the hermitage of Sage Vasistha on the bank of the river Saraswati/ Vasters-varto means Settlements of the Vatsyas.
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