Unesco considers this heritage site of Pont du Gard to have been built shortly before the Christian era to allow the aqueduct of Nimes to cross the Gard River. While Gard’s root is in Gad, name of an ancient tribe, the root of Gordon can be seen in Alexander’s march to Gordion, kingdom of Gordios, father of the Midas during his campaign against India. Scholars see Gordion as a place in Asia. It exactly marks the region of Gauda country of Indian history. Some historians are of the views that ancient Pundra-vardhan represents this Gauda country. They did not study the etymology of the name Pundra or Paundra which marks the region of ‘Padma’ means the ‘Lotus’. It identifies the White or the Sthala-Padma’, the Lotus region of Homer’s epics on the bank of the river Nile. There were three Lotus regions according to their three colours. Vardhan was the title of Mahaveer Jain who died in this place. It was a place near Triveni to which King Harsha made a pilgrimage and he was accompanied by the Chinese Pilgrim Hiousn Tsiang. This is as same as the Lake Tiberias near Manasseh and the river Ganges and Jamuna(Jordan river of the Bible). Pali texts knew it as Pava. Ptolemy places Godan in Areia region to the east of which was Paropanisos; it is shown in the Asiae Map IX of Ptolemy. It identifies the Gordion of Alexander’s history near Medea or Medina or Madra.
Gada-dhar of Indian puranic traditions refers to a ‘mace-holder’. Gad was a son of Cush(Kusha of Indian puranas/Son of Rama); According to the Bible, Gad was son of Jacob(refers to Kavi/Karvi of other texts) who settled in ancient Babylon; Alexander went to Babylon immediately after his campaign in India which historians did not believe. Ptolemy in his Map Asiae IX has shown that Plain of the river Ganges is geographically congruous with ancient Babylon (Byblos of the Bible).
City of Nimes means Numidia of Alexander’s time near Gordion and Madra(Midas). Pali literature pinpoints to Nemi as same as Nimes(Nemausus) of the heritage site. It was name of a king as well as name of a place.
The interesting part of the heritage site is locked in the name Uzes(not Uz or Ujjain), the biblical Crete (Ucetia); it marks the ancient U-Cetiya country or the Cetiya or Cete means ‘Crete’ country of ancient history. Cete or Cetiya refers to Chaitya or Chateau. Though scholars normally link this country with classical period, it was next to Thebes or the Sivi country of Pali literature which was one of the most primordial in nature and this is indicative of the place where life first appeared on earth.
River Gordon’s tributary is Gardon de Saint-Jean; meaning of ‘Jean’ should be seen through ‘Zion’ of the Bible and it is linked to various other names near the heritage site. Uzes(U-cetiya) is such a wonderful name that it has chained all the royal houses of the European continent to their maternal homeland in Crussol or Kosal(also Cos) of ancient history.
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