On the heritage site of the Grande-Île and the Neustadt in Strasbourg, Unesco says, they collectively ‘form an urban ensemble that is characteristic of Rhineland Europe’, and forged by Haussmannian influences.
The term ‘Palais’ which in French means ‘Palace’, and ‘Grand Palace’ which scholars link to Grand Palace des Champs-Elysees holds certain geographical elements that cannot be avoided at all. ‘des Champs-Elysees’ means the ‘country of Champa’ or ‘Kamboj’, and Elysees exactly identifies Homeric Ulysses. It is Alisha or Elisa of other ancient texts. Palibothra of history is the city where Pali language was born. Birthplace of Alexander is related to this name. It defines a region as well as a kingdom. Pali was the spoke language of the ancient Greeks; Palais thus means the Royal Seat at Palibothra(Pulathipur of Pali texts) which scholars think as same as the ancient Pataliputra. But in reality Patalilutra refers to Patelene of Roman history.
Palais is linked to the word ‘pal’ or ‘pala’ which marks the seat of worship of deity Minerva of Iliad in El(same as Ile) country. According to Pali texts, Palibothra or Pulathipur was the capital of Rohan. And this place is again takes the name of the star ‘Rohini’ and the river that flows through this city is called Rohini, also name of a deity and a ‘tree’.
Haussmannian—‘Asamanian’ means ‘touching the sky’;
Neustadt—Nau means ‘Naba’ mean ‘nine’ ; –stadt means ‘khanda’ means ‘division’
des Fêtes—Veta island/
de Hanau-Lichtenberg—Han dynasty in Laxman country
d’Andlau-Klinglin—Andes/Andhaka-Kalinga country; Kleing of Ptolemy.
L’Ill aux Lumières—Loi Lumbini( in Oxian region)
Place Kléber—Palace Kuber
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