Pyrenees-Mont Perdu heritage site of Unesco is centred around the peak of Mount Perdu that touched the national borders of both France and Spain. Scholars claim that ‘human settlement in this region dates back to the Upper Paleolithic period (40,000 – 10,000 B.C.) as the sites of the Añisclo and Escuain Caves, the stone circles at Gavarnie and the dolmen at Tella bear witness….Documents from the Middle Ages have recorded these sedentary settlements in history. They were located on the slopes of the massif and neighbouring valleys, formed by the hydrographical river network that irrigated the fields along the valleys in the north, and the trails and roads, bridges, houses and hospices (such as the espitau/hospices of Gavarnie, Boucharo, Aragnouet, Parzan, Héas and Pinet)….’.
The ‘cultural landscape’ of the heritage site at Pyrénées provides an insight into European continent inhabited by humans not for thousands of years but for few centuries only. The high pastures such as those of Gaulis or Ossoue are an invaluable testimony to this. The observation ‘this is one of the rare places in Europe where transhumance has been maintained over the centuries’ is not correct. Ancestral agreements allowed Spanish farmers for their herds to graze in the French side and this should be seen through ancient migrants’ ancestral geographical bond who shared a common geographical situation of their homelands from where they migrated. But with time, later generations have forgotten the root of the ancestral relationship among different European tribes. It is completely wrong to say that ‘the region is distinguished by its location at the tectonic collision point between the Iberian and west European plates’ without understanding the epic and biblical past of Iberian people who were as same as the Abhira(Latin, Hiberi) people of Indian puranas.
Hecataeus of Miletus, Avienus, Herodotus and Strabo refer to these people in the same way as the Bible did. To understand the regional settlements of these people one has to understand the Four Quarters of the ‘inhabited world’. For 6th c B.C. world a scholar needs to refer to Pali literature to know these people.
Perdu—-Mount Parada; seat f worship of goddess Hingula/Hing
Pyrénées—-Pyrene of Greek
Añisclo—Anisa/Asakka country
Escuain Caves—Eschate/Sha-chi caves
Tella—Tella; it was a place in ancient Hade region means Jerusalem.
Gavarnie—Govi/Geber of the Bible
Parzan—Parajja country near Sakkala
Héas—Howe country/Haiya
Aquitani—Aqui-tani/Arka or Ikshu
Vettones—Vetta island/Bhatta
Turdetani—Turde-tani/Tudu/Mt Tudi/Todeyya
Concept of Iberian Peninsula is an incorrect term; Iberian identifies a place as well as the people who lived there. But scholars while identifying the places of the Iberian Peninsula have put all the ancient tribes and it includes most of the ancient kingdoms as well. Name Iberians have been misunderstood when many other tribes of the ancient world have been considered as Iberians.
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