The world heritage site at Bordeaux whose other name is Port of the Moon contains 347 listed buildings; and Unesco says that ‘Bordeaux, …constitutes an exceptional testimony to the exchange of human values over more than two thousand years. These exchanges have provided this cosmopolitan town, in the age of Enlightenment, .. Its urban form represents the success of philosophers who wanted to make towns into melting pots of humanism, universality and culture…..’.
Bordeaux represents the ancient Badrika to which Quran knows as Badr and Indian puranas as Badrikanatha, and Pali sources call it Badarikarama. It was a place at the foot of Mt Meru. Its next door neighbours were Baku(Mecca), Sangala, Nysa, and the Turks empire on the other bank of the river Gronniko/Gannika; this was the place of residence of naked women warriors who fought on behalf of Darius against Alexander on the bank of this river.
History of Bordeaux as scholars read does not belong to the present Bordaux; the narrative tells the geographical situation of the ancient Badr. History of ancient Rome(6th c B.C. to7/8th c A.D.) as read, known, and taught today does not relate its narratives to the present day Rome. It is related to the history of ancient India; while Gironde stands for ancient Gurundi or Gundi, Ganronne represents its ancient counterpart Granniko; it was the place of hermitage of Sri Mata, wife of Bodhisattva Indra who is also recognised as King of Heaven at See.
It is interesting to see that the inhabitants of Bordeaux are called ‘Bordelais’(for men) and Bordelaises(for women). Badr was one of the most sought after place in the ancient world after See, Mt Zion, and Rome. It was geographically very close to the city of ancient Rome. Names reflected in the history of Roman civilization takes care of certain place-names which needs to be followed as per ancient texts.
Alloborges—Mt Al-bourg
Severan dynasty—Savara dynasty that fought against Ashok
Franks—frank tribe
Merovingian Kingdom—Mayura kingdom
Umayyads—Uma-vana as same as Sita-vana
River Garonne—River Granniko/Ganika
Poitiers—Pei-to worshippers
Hunalad—Hun tribe/Yu-chi tribe
Pepin—Ancient Babylonian
Fronsac—fan tribe/Saka-fan settlements
Seguin—Saguna/Sagara dynasty
Sihimin—Siha clan/Simha or Lion’s tribe, the Romans
Lupo—Lava/Labana/Labanga island
Roncevaux Pass—Ranga/Rencha Pass
Bordeaux is also recognised as Port of the Moon; and it has been out of text for many centuries now for what this ‘Moon’ stands for; whether it is Chinese pilgrims’ account or the Crescent Moon that adorns the Head of Mahadeva-Siva, the moon has received its rightful historical position in national flags of many countries. But scholars of astronomical studies are dead silent on this subject that identifies the Fertile Crescent of the Bible and the Moon dynasty of the ancient world.
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