Unesco’s published historical accounts on Georgica’s Gelati Monastery puts its history at 1106 A.D, and says that this is a masterpiece of art of the Medieval Golden Age in Georgica. This is a suggestive historical account on Georgica’s ‘Past’ that does not tell anything to show its people’s history that has been gloriously preserved in Vergil’s Georgica.
On ‘geographical situation’ of this monastery, Unesco’s view is that it is situated on the lower southern slope of the Mt Caucasus; this is a real and wonderful statement that does not match the present Georgica’s situational history with the ‘Past’ of its people.
The historical account which has gone into the descriptions of the present state of history of this great ancient nation finds its king in the name of David IV (1089-1125), Queen Tamar(of Tamar, 1184-1213) and their son Demetre(?). David built this monastery near his capital Kutaisis above the river Tskaltsitela; the monastery possesses the gold-mounted icon of the Virgin of Khakuli.
The names which describe the ‘Past’ of the people of this Great Nation contains story of human civilization itself. While Georgica identifies the royal people of Gargis or Garg dynasty whose country then was on the bank of the river Ganges(Gaga or Gaza of the Bible), Tskaltsitela refers to ancient Takshasila, the centre of learning of the ancient world at Nalanda.
Unesco should have kinked the story of this land and its people with Vergil’s Georgica that reads on the whole of the ‘inhabited world’: this land was the ‘first’ to be destroyed by the volcanic eruption which Vergil has clearly mentioned in his Georgica;
……’the barren mountain-ashes; on the shore of Myrtles throng gayest; Bacchus, lastly, loves ; The bare hillside, and yews the north wind’s chill; Mark too the earth by outland tillers tamed, And Eastern homes of Arabs, and tattooed Geloni ; to all trees their native lands; Allotted are; no clime but India bears Black ebony…….But no, mot Mede-land with its wealth of woods, Nor Ganges fair……Can they recover, and from the earth beneath; Spring to like vendure; thus alone survives…….to rake or man’s endeavour! The barren woods ; that crown the scalp of Caucasus, and even these, Which furious blasts for ever rive and rend…….’
These few lines in Georgica shows the geographical situation of Gelatin, Mt Caucasus, river Ganges, Mede-land, land of ebony, and ancient Indiawhich were destroyed by volcanic activity. Vergil has written very brilliantly on this event which Unesco has left out of its descriptions on Georgica’s ancient history.
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