This is a very peculiar world heritage site in Germany that includes Bauhaus buildings in Weimar, Dessau and Bernau; Unesco thinks that these buildings are ‘central works of European modern art, embodying an avant-garde conception directed towards a radical renewal of architecture and design in a unique and widely influential way. They testify to the cultural blossoming of Modernism, which began here, and has had an effect worldwide’. These buildings were constructed between 1919 and 1933 first in Weimar and then in Dessau. The heritage site includes Former Art School, the Applied Art School and the Haus am Horn in Weimar, the Bauhaus Building, the group of seven Masters’ Houses and the Houses with Balcony Access in Dessau, and the ADGB Trade Union School in Bernau’.
Name Bauhaus represent the ancient Beriahs/Baruas; Bahauas like Bahamians(Bahrain) belong to one and the same cultural and traditional group of people from Meister, Lauben-Ganga, Weimar, Beranu, Dessau, and Haus am Horn.
Bauhaus were people of the ancient Bahika or Balhika country which is also identified with Byblos and Bubastis of classical literature. It is again as same as ancient Babylon also. Historians consider bahiro as unbelievers, and Bahikas as inhabitants of Takka-desha. This is because of geographical similarities of the regions which then stood neighbourly to each other. Bariahs and the worshippers of Goddess Varahi are identified within the Tamralipta port region; Beranu means ‘Baran’ country. Weimar stands for Omar or Amar country wherein then existed the temple of Varahi.
Meister—Does not refer to ‘Master’ but to Metlumpa/MiteipurMatipur, name of a place near Lavana-Ganga.
Lauben-Ganga—Lava or Laban settlements on the bank of the river Ganges.
Weimar—Amar country
Dessau—Dasaka or Dasarna country
Haus am Horn—Hansa (means ‘Swan’) and Horn means ‘Arun’ country/ All these places stood neighbourly to each other near Triveni
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