According to Unesco, ‘Cologne Cathedral is a powerful testimony to the strength and persistence of Christian belief in medieval and modern Europe’ that includes many works of art like Gero Crucifix of the late 10th century, in the Chapel of the Holy Cross, and the Shrine of the Magi (1180-1225), in the choir, which is the largest reliquary shrine in Europe. There is also an outstanding series of tombs of twelve archbishops between 976 and 1612.
Modern day Cologne is the second home of the ancient migrants from Kolhana whose other name is Ceylon(not Simhala island); Romans were its inhabitants and they were worshippers of the Goddess Rumkuni and the Lote Tree; according to historians, Cologne was a part of Ubii territory in 1st c A.D.; but the first word of the term Roman Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium which they think as same as Kolon or Cologne is not right. Here Colonia identifies a type of letter writing which Claudia, the scribe, knew; Colonia stands for such group of scribes who were dwellers of a place in this name. Ara Agrippi refers to the Agabodhi kings of Kolhana or Ceylon. Name Kolhana also appears in classical literature. –nesium, seems to identify Nysa or Nasso or Naimish which is directly related to the story of Dionysius whose birthplace was a t Charax..
Ubii marks Orbo of Indian puranas and Orbotis of the Greeks; it also identifies Mt Abu; it was a sacred place. Alexander passed into ancient Indian through this place. Indian puranas mention Orbo as name of a Sage whose hermitage was on the bank of the river Rhine as same as the river Saraswati or Styx in the district of Chapel or Kapil. Peutinger’s Map(4th c B.C) throws some light on the ancient situation of Cologne that reflects the position of Magi. As Unesco says ‘Cologne Cathedral is an exceptional work of human creative genius’, it is necessary to understand the history behind this name ‘Megi’.
Gero Crucifix—Jara/Guru/Gerrites
Chapel of the Holy Cross—Hermitage of Sage Kapil in Cos/Kosal/Cush
Shrine of the Magi—It identifies both Triveni and the river Ganges.
Ripuarian—Epirus/Rupa Sari/Rupa dei
Ruhr—Rohit Khand/Rai/Rohitasa/Uru
Bonn— Bhan/ Bahen/Benu
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