This is a wonderful place-name in Germany soil and Unesco’s scholarship sees it through ‘The Zollverein XII Coal Mine Industrial Complex’; this heritage site is ‘an important example of a European primary industry of great economic significance in the 19th and 20th centuries’, Unesco observes.
Essen is located in the centre of the Ruhr area; it has five kreisangehörig (i.e., belonging to a district),. Name Essen identifies Essenes of the Bible whose follower St Paul was; it is one of the names of Astarte Gods or Eight Gods or Asta Lokapala Gods of the ‘inhabited world’. Essen is as same as Issan deva who is identified as the God of the ‘north-east’ direction where relics of ancestors are kept. It was a place on the neighbourhood of Bethany, Luz, Elephantine, Byzantine, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem. The name’s root is in the river Ascesine, or Accesine, or Assien from which the name of Asia Minor has been derived. It marks the Arc or Arch region along with the river Chandra as same as Scamander which means the ‘Moon’(Fertile Crescent of the Bible).
Kreisangehörig— krei-san-gehörig; this exactly remembers the ‘five-lands’ or the Panchala(means ‘five’) of the Kuru(krei), and –gehorig here either means ‘ghara’ or the ‘gargi’.
Source of the river is near the town of Winter-berg in the mountainous Sauer-land region; The Ruhr passing through the towns remarkably identify the course of the River Mahi(refers to Mahri/Mai/Mahra etc.).Zollverein or Zoll-verein refers to the Great Ocean(Salt Sea of the Bible) near Essen which means Seats of Worship of the Asta Loakapala or the Astarte Gods near the seacoast.(or the Junction of the Seas).
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