The Old Town of Regensburg heritage site includes the city centre on the south side of the Danube river in Bavaria, two long islands in the Danube, Wöhrde, and the St Katharina in Stadtamhof. Unesco’s scholarship claim that it was ‘a part of the European waterway of the Rhine-Main(others speak of it as Naab)-Danube that influenced the trade in the region north of the Alps where numerous buildings stand to testify its history as one of the centres of the Holy Roman Empire. Patrician towers, large Romanesque and Gothic church buildings and monasteries – St Emmeram, Alte Kapelle, Niedermünster and St Jakob – as well as the cathedral St Peter and the late Gothic town hall, stand, which scholars think, belonged to the 9th c A.D…. Regensburg was an important transition point on continental trade routes to Italy, Bohemia, Russia and Byzantium. It also had multiple connections with the transcontinental Silk Roads’.
Scholars see root of Regensburg in Latin ‘Castra-Regina’; it is Reng-schburg in Bavarian tongue; Czech calls it Ratyzbona, and French as Ratisbonne. The Celtic name is Radasbona, and it was the oldest name of the settlement near the confluence of the three rivers at Regensburg.
Castra-Regina does not mean a ‘fortress by the river Regina’; it means ‘settlement’ of Regina belonging to Castra clan or Castra following; the importance of Thurn and Taxis noble family holds crucial ancient identity of migrant royal families of Europe and it cannot be excluded from the narratives of ancient world history. The French title of the family is ‘de La Tour et Tassis or de Tour et Taxis’; Charles V named Giovanni Battista de Tassis as Master of his post sometimes in 1520; and scholars say that the family became ‘princely’ in 1695 in the behest of Emperor Leopold I. In fact, the ancient identity of Thurn and Taxis are in ‘Thuna’ and ‘Taxila’ respectively. Thuna is the exact Pali name for Athens and Taxila stands for Tasilla or Takshasilla of ancient world history. These two names are most important as the migrants from these two places are not found elsewhere and particularly in the present Greece who claim their root in ancient Greece.
Those who received royal and papal patronage were called as ‘berg-amaschci’ in Italy.
Tasso families were the family of a class of Monks, or Teachers; they were not necessarily did not belong to families of Lombard tribes. The latter were the Lampakas or the Lamba-karnas means the ‘Long Ear’ people of the ancient world. They were the Romans on the ‘west’ means the ‘eschate’ or the –scht or the sachi people.
Regensburg—It is Rajgriha of ancient history which was then the capital of Magadha)Megiddo of the Bible). It may means ‘Rajana’ means ‘King’ also.
Wohrde(from the old German word: waird, meaning island or peninsula)—Udra or Odra; it is identified with Erdkarte of Ewratosthenes.
St Katharina—Catherine and Monastery of Catherine in Ophir of the Bible in Ros.
Altstadt—Alt-stadt/Oalta or Alata
Untere Bachgasse—Antara Bak
Schwanenplatz— Schwanen-platz/Kabandha or Kantha-prastha
Marcus—Maccha or Fish Kingdom
Ruling family of Agilofings—Agni or Yakni family identifying Achaeans
Spanish counterparts Elipandus of Toledo—Uri-Pandu of Talada/Tarabha
Felix of Urgel—Bhargav of Urag/Aggara
Prague—Prayag(Triveni); meeting place of Three Rivers.
berg-amaschci’—-berg-ama–schi/means area of ‘Women’ preachers or the “Mothers’.
Tasso—Tissa refers to a class of Monks/Teachers etc.
Bergamo—Baghmund royal house; in the region of the Bagh or the Tigris plain
Almenno—Region of El near Bagh
Val Brembana—-Bala Bamana/Bimba
Ghibelline Suardi families—Gopis /Gopal families of Siddha areas means Sada Nagar Shepherd people.
Omoseo Tasso—Ansha Tissa/Omar-Sri-Tissa/ Tissa from Amar
Ruggiero Tasso—A Tissa from Raghu area or from Raghu clan
Company of Couriers (Compagnia dei Corrieri)—Country of Campa(means ‘Kamboj’ whose people were known as Kurus(not Corriers).
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