Fredrick Margrave of Bradenburg-Bayreuth’s wife Margravine Wilhelmine, who belonged to the House of Hohenzollern commissioned this Margravial Opera House and it was built in between 1745 and 1750.
Unesco sees this Opera House as ‘a venue for opera over which the princely couple ceremonially presided. The bell-shaped auditorium of tiered loges built of wood and lined with decoratively painted canvas was designed by the then leading European theatre architect Giuseppe Galli Bibiena….’.
Bayreuth is situated in northern Bavaria on the Red Main River in between the Franconian Jura and the Fichtelgebirge Mountains; The Principality of Bayreith is also called Magraviate of Brandenburg-Bayreuth and also the Principality of Kulmbach or the Principality of Margraviate of Brandenburg-Kulmbach; it was then ruled by a Francinian ruler of the Hohenzollen dynasty. In the history of Germany and Central Europe, the House of Magraviate of Brandenburg played a crucial role and its history as read pinpoints to the history of its original homeland in the land of the Phoenix Bird and the City of Sun.
The origin of European royal houses can be seen through the root of their names; they can be seen from their coat of arms also. The coat of arms of Magraviate-Brandenburg shows the Bird Phoenix which connects the Land of Pancahia and the City of Sun.
Magraviate—Land of Megi/Magha and the Land of Ravi/Rabi means ‘Sun’(of the Arabians); Megis were inhabitants of the Land of the Sun as well;
Red Main River—River Mahi/Mahismati
Franconian Jura—Jara/Zara/Jerrites/ Frank tribes;
Fichtelgebirge Mountains—Fichtel-gebirge/Fich-telge-birge/Baktrian Mountain or Bakul Mountain/Gobardhan/Gandhamardan mountain in Gabi region;
Kulmbach—Kalama/Kalamapat; settlement of Kalamas; Alexander took Kalama, one Sage, with him on his campaign against India;
Hohenzollen dynasty—Hiranya /Haran or Aruna dynasty; refers also to Aruneh of the Bible and Haryas of Indian puranas
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