Church of Our Lady Trier world heritage site along with the Cathedral of St Mary and the Church of St Michael in Germany have preserved the wonderful history of ancient migrants’ devotion to Gods and Goddesses of the ‘inhabited world’. These two heritage sites give a fairly cover the religious story of the world we have lost. What the world has forgotten on its past and what the world remembers today marks a gap which can to some extent be abridged by looking at these few sites and not by writing their history alone.
Unesco’s writings on these sites themselves present a scene of detachment from the ‘truth’; what the migrants’ memory have written on these monuments we could not in our history.
In the scholarly language of Unesco, ‘Trier, which is located on the Moselle river in the West of Germany, was a Roman colony from the 1st century A.D. …… It became one of the capitals of the Tetrarchy at the end of the 3rd century, when it was known as the ‘second Rome’. ….monuments are an outstanding testimony to Roman civilization…..There is no place north of the Alps where so many important Roman buildings and such a concentration of traces of Roman settlement have been preserved as in Trier, the “Rome of the North”. In late classical times, Trier was one of the largest cities in the Roman Empire; it was the seat of the prefects of Gaul, Germania, Britannia and Hispania and after the imperial reforms of the Emperor Diocletian was the seat of the vice-emperor (Caesar) of the Western Empire……the structures built during the first and second centuries (the Moselle Bridge, the Barbara Baths, the Porta Nigra and the lgel Column) …. the monumental buildings from the reign of Constantine (Imperial Baths, Aula Palatina, Cathedral) are a visible expression of the immensity of imperial power and the claim to world domination made from the West of the Empire for the last time before the eclipse of the classical era (this claim was taken over in the East by the new capital of the Empire, Constantinople, which thereby superseded Trier as well as Rome)…..’
The monument of the Basilica, according to scholars, was the embodiment of the seat (sedes imperii) and the power of the Roman Empire. The Porta Nigra remembers the contribution of Archbishop Poppo who built this monument between 1034 and 1042; Unesco’s scholarship observes, ‘ Trier, along with Istanbul, is the example of a large Roman capital after the division of the Empire. The remains of the imperial palace, in addition to the Aula Palatina and the imperial thermae (the largest of the Roman Empire after those of Diocletian and Caracalla in Rome) are impressive in their enormity. Under the north basilica (now the Cathedral), the decoration of a painted ceiling, where members of the imperial family (most probably Helena and Fausta) appear to be identifiable, also bears testimony to the Aulic character of the architecture……Trier is directly and tangibly associated with one of the major events of human history, Constantine’s march against Maxence in 312, which was a prelude to the Edict of Milan (313) and which meant the recognition of Christianity….The layout of the city still corresponds to its 2nd century configuration, with the major thoroughfares of the cardo (Simeonstrasse) and the decumanus (Kaiserstrasse). …..
This heritage site never belongs to 2nd c A.D. and the history attached to it speaks of the time from migrants’ memory and their arrival in Germany some time after 8th c A.D. The basic point that misguided scholarly world is Homer’s Troy to which Alexander’s historians knew as Tyre; but this name could not be identified as same as Troy by latter day historians. This mistake became the genie for the biblical archaeology to further its mistakes by building its nest touching the sky where every branch of human knowledge including astronomical sciences and also studies on Antarctica hatched their timing with ancient world. Name Trier of this heritage site remembers the Homeric Troy whose inhabitants were Ajapiyas as same as the Trojans of the ancient world. They were then called Peter means ‘Pitru’ or ‘Fathers’ who were enjoying the status of the lower gods. Heinrich Schliemann made a mistake, and later scholars made a giant out of it which now bleeds the heart of academic scholarships all these years. Decoration of the painted ceiling takes the name of Helen and Fausta, and this shows the path to Homeric history linked to this heritage site.
Meaning of ‘tetrarchy’ is at the root of most of the mistakes in Roman history; it identifies ‘Four Quarters’ of the ‘inhabited world’. Unless a scholars sees the Ptolemy’s peripheral map of the ‘inhabited world’ called Jambudvipa, one cannot understand and even one cannot visualise the meaning of ‘Four Quarters’. It marks a landmass whose four-sides are encircled by ‘four-seas’(gave rise to the concept of junction of seas). It never meant ‘leadership of four people’; it means rather ‘seat of four royal houses controlling peoples in their respective ‘Quarters’. But above all of them, a Great King prevails upon this oval-shaped land whose four-sides were then held by four kings, and King of Rome whose ‘Quarters’ identifies his royal seat at the end of the world was this Great King. He was called the ‘Chakravartin King’ means the ‘Golden King’ or the Catherine King. The1st, the 2nd, and the 3rd Quarters Kings were then called as the Silver King, the Iron King and the Bronze King respectively.
According to scholars, the ‘tetrarchy’ system lasted until c 313 A.D. when Constantine was in the control of the ‘west’ or the 4th Quarters(Romans/Ramanakas), and Licinius in control of the ‘east’ or the 1st Quarters(Judaea/Israelites/Byzantium etc). The tetrarchy of Judae was there before Herod the great; it is historically wrong to say that the tetrarchy of Judae was established after the death of Herod. In Pali texts, it is called Chaturajika means ‘Four-Quaretrs’.
Constantine—A King from among the ‘Kroust’ Followers; Kroust(Christ) was a title.
Licinius—Means ‘Laxman’, brother of Rama(from whose name Rome has been derived).
Nicomedia—Capital of Diocletian was in the northwest Asia Minor(means plain of the river Assien/Acesine); Oriens identifies the Persians; Nico here means ‘naka’ means the ‘Heaven’; praetorians means the ‘Pratihara’; east is the core of the Byzantine(means Kamboj or Champa/Kuber)
Sirimium—Capital of the Garelius; Sri Mukha; Illyricum means El-country and Ilan/Alan; Sremska identifies Sri Mukha,the first king of Satavahan dynasty.
Mediolanum—Capital of Maximian, the western Augustus; Medio-lanum or Madra and it does not refer to Ramanaka/Raman country; domain ‘Italia et Africa’ means Atalia in the neighbourhood of Macedonia and Frank people’s settlements.
Augusta treverorum—Capital of Constantius Chlorus, the western Caesar, near the Rhine border; capital of the Gallic emperors Tetricus I; treverorum means ‘triveni’ which refers to meeting point of three rivers; and this is the seat of ‘heaven on earth’ ; Chlorus means ‘Cholas’, a royal dynasty; identical with Koliyans /Kolhas.
Diocletianic— a single supreme leader at the ‘junction of seas’. Again this identifies ancient ‘Dwaraka as well.
Judaean tetrarchy—-It does not identify a Golden King or the King of the ‘tetrarchy’. It was neighbourly to Jerusalem on the ‘east’ at the ‘junction of the seas’.
Lactantius—Region of Sonitapur means Land of the Blood which identifies again Jerusalem or the Seat of God Yama.
Julian—King of Jala like Jalandhar or Indian puranas.
Ammianus—Amma/Amien/Amen/Ammacus etc refers to the seat of worship of Amon, the Sun God.
Diarchy—The Second Quarters on the ‘north’ held by a King.
Severus II—On the west under Constantius identifies the land of the Savara tribes.
Maximinus—In the east under Galerius/Land of the Yakshinis/Joginis in the region of Makshis means ‘Bees’. It was a part of the Women’s Country or the ‘Fair Haven’ of the Bible where St Paul arrived on his homeward journey from Caesarea to Pala. Ikshu or the Land of Sugar Cane/Sugar cane Juice
Aquileia—Ukkala/Seat of Achilles’ hometown/his burial site
Eboracum—Erbanga/settlements of Abhiras
Pretorian Prefect—Seat of Prati-Hara or Pratihari priests
Vicarii—Religious wanderers living on begging/Beggars/people at Baku/Venka
Diocese—Dakshina or ‘south’-countries/two-lands
Eparchy— Abhira provinces
There was a clear cultural relationship between all the four-quarters of the ‘inhabited world’ and Jerusalem where memorial ceremonies for ancestors were held annually was at the centre of this relationship. In some cases, the tribal head or the community councils were managing the affairs and were paying tributes to their king. To this system scholars called ‘City-state’ and a Greek polish. Most of the kings were seen to have fought wars among themselves to control the primordial seats of worships of Gods of Astalokapalas or Astarte.
With so many historical materials in hand, ancient India was excluded from the historical writings of scholars from abroad who did not notice the name of ‘India’ either in the bulk materials of classical literature or historical analysis of Homeric epics or in inscriptions wherein are preserved the geographical and historical identity of ancient royal houses. Absence of India’s name in most of the historical writings of scholars from abroad made the classical and biblical terms meaningless. Meaning of ‘East’ and meaning of most of the historical terms and Hebrew words diffracted the historical identity of tribes and put a great stress on finding the ‘truths’ which are very much required for survival of humans’ knowledge.
Tetrarchy—Chaturajka or ‘Four Quarters’
Emperor Diocletian—An Emperor at the Junction of Seas.
Caesar—Kesuria of Kosal/Cos
Barbara Baths—A sacred bathing ghat/a port town/ a tribe
Porta Nigra—Nagar or City of Pota means a ‘port town’.
lgel Column—Og island/Agar country
Palatina—Patelene/ Pateli/Potala
Sedes imperii—Sada Nagar
Archbishop Poppo—Archbishop of Pophus/Paba
Edict of Milan (313)—Edicts relating to the country of Malla kings.Moulana/Malaba/Mauli
cardo (Simeon-strasse)—
Cado country/Cede or Choda country; –strasse means Tissa; Simeon-srasses means Sramana Tissa . Solomon and Simean both mean the same ‘Sramana’ means ‘monk’; Sramana Tissa of Cado.
the decumanus (Kaiser-strasse)—Kaiser Tissa from Caesarea in Dakshina or Negev’.
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