Germany’s world heritage site at Speyer’s Cathedral is located in the southwest of the country, which according to scholars, was the burial place of the German Emperors where from Konrad II to Albrecht of Habsburg(1309) were laid to rest in its vault.
According to Unesco, ‘It was built by Konrad II in 1030’ and was ‘rebuilt by Henry IV in 1077’; Bavarian King Ludwig I’s name is linked with this church who commissioned its Nazarene style interior painting. As the first and largest consistently vaulted church building in Europe, it is also considered as the biggest Romanesque church in the world’. The Cathedral speaks of the imperial power in Europe during the Salian period (1024 – 1125) which has also seen the glory of the Abbey of Cluny.
Origin of Speyer is in Suppara also known as Supra and had different name-forms like, Sipra and Suparna. It is Sopara of 14 REs of Asoka..I identifies an ancient port town in this name near Girima(Mt Gerizzim). The river flowing in this country was known as Sappini.
Name Konard finds its root in Kunal, son of Asoka. He was banished after being blinded by the Queen of Asoka in a desert region near Kingdom of Pateli of Magadha. According to Asoka’s Rock Edicts, this town Sopara existed on the southern border of Asoka’s empire. It also identifies Mt Alburg, and Alsanda(other name of ancient Alexandria) capital of King Milinda along with it. Salian Empire marks its root in Sela and Sala, and Henry finds it origin in Han or Hun; another royal dynasty which historians see as same as Chin dynasty of the ancient world.
However, it is almost certain that name Speyer also identifies ancient Epirus. Origin of the name of Epirus is very interesting, and enlightening as it is linked with mother of Sariputta, the foremost disciple of the Buddha, called Rupa Sari. It is also called Rupsa of other texts. Ancient history of all the fourteen tribes of Epirote including the tribes of Chaonians, Molossians, and Thesprotians, can be traced.
Chaonians—Chan, Chann, as same as Chin people
Molossians—Mala people
Thesprotians—Ancient Tibetians or the Bhutias; they are connected with Mt Tiber, and the river Tiber; it is indicative of the Euphrate region in the centre of the earth region.
The Federal Republic of Germany’s ancient identity is linked with Girinagar Girima of history which was then on the bank of the river Indus. This country’s present geographical situation is now in Central and Western Europe lying between the Baltic and the North Seas to the north, and the Alps to the south. Denmark is on its north border, Poland and Czech Republic to the east, and Austria and Switzerland to the south. France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherland sit on its western border.
It is completely right, as historians agree, to see Julius Caesar calling the peoples living east of the River Rhine as German. Ancient River Rhine identifies the river Rohini; and Julius as Emperor of the ‘Four Quarters’ identifies himself with Roman seat of power at ‘Caesarea’ in Kosal country sitting on the bank of the river Koa. German peoples were the ancient Skythians; the German term Deutsch-land or diu-tisciu land is exactly as same as eschate means ‘west’ or the ‘end of the world’. it identifies the ancient Rome, not the seat of German tribes at the foot of the Mt Gerizzim means ‘Girima’ or ‘Giri Nagar’. Diu as same as Dio refers to Dido which again identifies the river Daya, a branch of the river Koa or the river Indus. Diot or diota refers to words like duta(messenger), dvita( chess-game), or daitya(a fighter against the gods or the Lambakans) etc. eschate is Saketa of other texts which means the same, but it also means the ‘sand’. Diutisc may mark ‘Saketa’; Germans were not descendants of Romans who belonged to the Serpent or the Naga clans of Kings of Ajodhya. Piu-diska does not mean ‘popular’; nor refers to theo-disucs. It is not derived from peudo descendant of the tewteh people; Teutons is derived from tewteh….
Meaning of Mauer, Der Unterkiefer Des, Schoningen, Neander Valley, Swabian Jura near Ulm, Lion Man, Venus of Hohle Fels, Nebra Sky Disc and many other terms were misunderstood by academic scholarships. Transparency of meaning of most of the words have disappeared from the research style of scholars who trusted the geography of the ‘second home’ of the ancient migrants. Mauer refers to the people of Mayura country or the land of Mary’s birthplace. This is Unterkiefer or Uttara Kuru country of ancient literature.
Schoningen—Schchem or Sri-Kan with Anga country
Neander Valley—Nandan valley refers to the seat of Indra/Shechem
Jura—Zara/Jara/ Founder or the First Zoroastrian
Ulm—same as Uma, Umm, Ummayad etc; refers to Uma forest.
Lion Man—Siha(means ‘Lion’) tribes to the east of Sri-kan
Venus of Hohle Fels—Alabela or Arabel; same as Uru-Bel /Hari-bola/Hari-varsha
Nebra Sky Disc—Mt Nebu or Naba
It is thus wrong to consider Maure as owning humans’ past some 600,000 years ago; Schoningen belonging to 380,000 and Neanderthals to 40,000 years ago. Names generated out of scientific temper do not describe history of ancient world; no geographical or historic base to study the origin of humans on earth can be generated inside a human laboratory of our times.
Germanic Tribes should not be seen through Nordic Bronze Age or the Pre-Roman Iron Age; the Scandinavians represent themselves as inhabitants residing on the bank of the ancient River Scamander, as same as the River Chandra. Celtic tribes or the Kolyans were living not in Gaul means ancient ‘Gaya’ but on the bank of the river Indus; as Slavs identify themselves with ancient Sravasti, whole of Europe as ‘second home’ of ancient migrants should be first studied from the original homes of the Romans. Rome and Romans were linked with the name of ‘Rama’; that is the reason why scholars when write on the history of the ancient world connecting all tribes exclude the name of ‘India’ and ‘Indians’ from the bulk of their writings. When they do such harvesting neither they feel astonished nor do they find their works inadequate to reach the ancient tribes and their homelands.
Augustus—Sage Agasti
Ural—El country
Cheruscan—Land of the Chera people along with Cholas and the Pandions
Danube—Dan river flowing through Dan settlements/Rohini was a part;
Austria—Astarte or Eight Villages
Baden Wurttmberg—Ottanga/Wutu/Oat
Some interesting part of the ancient migrants who migrated to the West find their homelands linked with the name of ‘franks’; this ancient tribes’ name is linked with most of the ‘second homes’ of the migrants whose king has been named as Charle-Magne who founded the Carolingian Empire in 800 A.D. History of Rome is linked with the history of most of the ancient royal houses and with most of the ancient tribes; to see Rome only with Germans and Greeks creates a false picture of the ancient world for the academic scholarship which is driven by fossil studies and archaeological findings. When Dan settlements, Frank settlements, Hansa and Han settlements, and German settlements come under one royal house or one empire, then it becomes necessary to search for their common geographical base in the past.
What the scholars describe to trace the ancient history of Rome is no way related to the present European countries; East Francia stretching from the Rhine in the west to the Elba River in the east and from the north sea to the Alps exactly describe the locked land of the peoples residing in the ‘North Quarters’ ‘Western Quarters’ and the ‘Eastern Quarters’ of the ‘inhabited world’. Origin of the name Otto and Frank along with the origin of Greek, Rome and Gregory (or George) will throw much light which has not been seriously studied by scholars who are always driven by a nationalistic spirit where academic approach misses its track.
Maa Magna—Mother Mangala; identifies with it the ancient Volcano
Hohen-staufen—Han settlements; staufen here means Strabon which different name forms.
Ostsiedlung—or Ostsi-edlung/Osta or Asta or Astes, and Odanga/Udang
Ravensburg—Ravanpura identifying Ravana of the epic the Ramayana
Grobe —Gobi or Gopi or the Women Preacher of the Dharma
Golden Bull—Like golden Harin or Aaron
Venice—Vanka; Seat of Worship of God of Salvation called Makka
Genoa—Land of Zion or Jinn or Gina
Schleswig—Mt Kalasa/Kalasa is also a title.
Holstein—Hol-stein means ‘Place of Hara’ or Mt Hor
Saxony—Saka-stan/Sri-kana /Sakuni/Sikhi
Sorbs—Sorabha ; Seat of Worship of Zeus(Kasyap/Kesab)
Roma—Women of Rome/Beautiful Woman/Women of Ramanaka country
Auslands-de-utsche—means Alanda are defined as people whose faith is different from other settlers around them; utsche means ‘Ut’ or ‘Uccha’ country.
Seven Prince-Electors—This is a traditional way of putting certain respectable persons as ‘Judges’(like the biblical judges also) to look after the affairs of the ‘State’(all the ‘Four Quarters’)
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