This interesting world heritage site of Ghana finds its’ inhabitant’s history beyond the historical lines of Unesco, which sees its castles and forts as ‘built and occupied at different times by traders from Portugal, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Germany and Britain’..
According to scholars, ‘the fortified trading posts, founded between 1482 and 1786, and spanning a distance of approximately 500 km along the coast of Ghana between Keta in the east and Beyin in the west, were links in the trading routes established by the Portuguese in many areas of the world during their era of great maritime exploration’.
The name Ghana finds its root in Ghana-sala, a mountain in Dakhinadesha or the Negev of the Bible where Asita Kaladevala lived. The mountain was also home to a class of Spirit who were known as Ghanika; Gharani, a woman disciple of the Buddha lived here. She displayed a miracle in which she transformed the earth into water and dive about in it like a bird. It is that heritage sight which remembers Gharani. It is interesting to see that the coast of Ghana between Keta or Kuta country and Beyin as same as Baya exactly marks the ancient homeland of its inhabitants.
The property consists of three Castles:
Accra—Arka-kshetra same as Akkadian of the Bible/Acco
St. George’s d’Elmina—Saint/Santha Gargi/Garga at Elima/Allan
Christiansborg at Osu, Accra— Krousta/Kakusthan at Ash/Asi/Esu
15 Forts:
Senya Beraku—Senani(a shepherdic tribe) at Baku
Apam—Name of all market towns called in one name ‘Apan’
Amsterdam at Abandzi—Astagrama at Abanti
St. Jago at Elmina—Santha Jaga
San Sebastian at Shama—Sravasti at Shama/Shyam
Metal Cross at Dixcove—Dighabhu/Dighiti
St. Anthony at Axim—Santha Nigrantha at Khema
Orange at Sekondi—Sikhi/Skanda/Sikhandi/Sri-khanda
Groot Fredericksborg at Princesstown—Maa Badarika at Nari-vana/Fair Haven
William at Anomabu—Anupama/Anomtota/Anuloma/Ambagrama in Anupa
Cape Coast—Kapi Coast/Monkey country
Ussher at Usshertown, Accra—Country of Sun-rise at Arka-kshetra
James at Jamestown—Seat of Jama
Apollonia at Beyin—City of Sun at Barun
Four Forts partially in ruins:
Amsterdam at Abandzi—Abadan/Avanti/Bhandaghara
Komenda—Kumuda country/Mt Komedai
Batenstein at Butre—Batusthan at Butra/Batra
Prinzensten at Keta—Vinjhara(-sthan) at Kuta-giri
Four ruins with visible structures:
Nassau at Mouri—Nysa/Naimisha at Mayura/Mahri
Fredensborg at Old Ningo—Rhada at Odanga/Nijang
Vredenburg at Dutch Komenda—Brundava(-vast) at Mt Komedai
Vernon at Prampram—Varana at /Paramabrahma
Dorothea at Akwida—Durdassa at Ekbatana/Ekchaliya
Two sites with traces of former fortifications:
Frederiksborg at Amanful—Badarika at Amana-kuda
Augustaborg at Teshie—Hermitage of Agasti at Tushito
Volta—Bhut tribe/Bharta
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