History of this world heritage site tells the story of the ancient migrants not from the City of Rome, but from the Holy Land of See. Scholars of all hues, mostly biblical and classical, failed to understand the meaning of the term ‘See’. And this forms the base of misunderstanding of the ‘inhabited world’ whose geographical identity has been firmly shown by Ptolemy through his Map of Jambudvipa. ‘Holy See’ has nothing to do either with Christianity or with ancient Rome at all; it identifies the Holy Land of Sheez of the Avesta or the birthplace of Ahura Mazda, and ‘Sri’; of Indian puranas. It marks the Seir of the Bible from which the word ‘Sir’ has been derived. Its other name is ‘Heaven’ which was to the ‘Right-hand’ side of birthplace Jesus Christ’s at Nujong. Bible very clearly speaks of ancient Rome as the ‘Capital of the World’; it has never projected it as the capital of the Christian World. By showing it as capital of Christians its historical space has been minimised as it stands at the heart of cultural tradition of the whole of the ‘inhabited world’.
Latin Sancta Sedes refers to ‘Desa of the Santhas’ means the ‘Land of the Spiritual Leaders’; if it is taken as Sankha desa, then it marks the ‘Land of the Conch’ means ‘the land whose shape is like a Conch’; term Apostle means ‘Abadhuta’; it also identifies the ‘Bastias’. It is both a title and name of a place. Latin Sancta Sedes Moguntina pinpoints the geographical situation of the hermitage of Sage Mogha(Ahura Mazda) at Sheez or ‘Sri’ who is Bodhisattva Indra or the King of Heaven; his palace is in Sankha kshetra at Triveni means ‘Trident’; it identifies ‘meeting point of three rivers’. Diocese of Rome means ‘Rome of/in the South’; the real geographical situation of ancient Rome was on the ‘west’ at the ‘end of the earth’. Bishopric of Mainze or the Arch-bisopheric of Mainz means ‘ a baishnba means a ‘Bishop’ from the ‘Magian’(Meghas) class of spiritual leaders. The latter are a direct descendant of Sage Mogha. He is Ahura Mazda of the Avesta whose birthplace was at Rangha or Radha; some historians think of it as a place called Ranga same as Ganga; both Radha and Ganga are the neighbouring places of ‘Sri’ on the seacoast. Vergil and Ovid have given a clear picture of this place like Homer. Arch-bisopheric means ‘a baishnaba’ or a spiritual leader of Arka-kshetra’; arch means ‘arka-kshetra’ which identifies ‘Sri’ or ‘See’.
Unesco’s scholarship sees the heritage site as ‘ For more than two thousand years, Rome has been both a secular and religious capital. As the centre of the Roman Empire which extended its power throughout the then known world, the city was the heart of a widespread civilization that found its highest expression in law, language and literature, and remains the basis of Western culture. Rome has also been directly associated with the history of the Christian faith since its origins. The Eternal City was for centuries, and remains today, a symbol and one of the most venerable goals of pilgrimages, thanks to the Tombs of Apostles, the Saints and Martyrs, and to the presence of the Pope’.
The Papal coronations of the Roman Emperors mark the ‘zenit’ as same as the site of the School of Zion at Jiunti(also Jantu), the place that is indicative of the House of Achilles whose historic and dynastic symbol is ‘Bull’. Dictatus Papae means the ‘basta’ in the ‘South’(Dakshinadesa), same as Negev.
Unesco again finds, ‘The World Heritage property encompasses the whole historic centre of Rome within the city walls at their widest extent in the 17th century, as well as the Basilica of St. Paul’s Outside the Walls. The property, complex and stratified, includes outstanding archaeological areas integrated in the urban fabric, which result in a highly distinguished ensemble. Founded on the banks of the Tiber river in 753 B.C., according to legend, by Romulus and Remus, Rome was first the centre of the Roman Republic, then of the Roman Empire, and in the fourth century, became the capital of the Christian world. Ancient Rome was followed, from the 4th century on, by Christian Rome. The Christian city was built on top of the ancient city, reusing spaces, buildings and materials. …From its foundation, Rome has continually been linked with the history of humanity. As the capital of an empire which dominated the Mediterranean world for many centuries, Rome became thereafter the spiritual capital of the Christian world’.
Rome pinpoints the birthplace of Rama, the God incarnated of the epic the Ramayana; it is necessary in order to identify this historic city with the ‘seven hills’ around it; and this also demands to verify the geographical route which Aenean traced to reach this place after his return from Troy. The seat of Caesarea of Rome is more important to geographically check the ancient position of this ancient city whose story is linked to House of Fama. House of Romulus at Patelene exactly marks the House of Asoka’s royal house at Pateli . The history behind Ramanaka people of the ancient world has been misjudged by scholars and all ancient texts refer to House of Fama as same as the House of Rama linked to both ‘rumour’ and ‘fame’ near Sarakani and Pompa Sarovara.
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