Honduras’s historic significance of Copan world heritage site links its wider cultural identity with most of the ancient royal houses. Scholars though finds its inhabitants as Mayan-Cholam immigrants from the Guatemala Highlands, meaning of Mayan-Cholam is far away from the fossil study of the modern academics. The site which was discovered in 1570 by Diego García de Palacio, identifies its root in Coppa-Kondura. The great historic past of the inhabitants should be searched within the collective geographical frame of the present Guay-murus, Higueras, Costa Rica, and Guatemala.
The cultural canvass of the region is fantastically rich with assimilation of culture of different ancient tribes; from the name of the Mayan kings, the ‘inhabited world’ discovers its fresh breaths and it is really surprising to see that ancient world has survived in Copan Valley itself.
According to Unesco, ‘The Maya leader Yax Kuk Mo, coming from the area of Tikal (Petén), arrived in the Copan Valley in 427 A.D., and started a dynasty of 16 rulers that transformed Copan into one of the greatest Maya cities during the Classic Maya Period’. Names of Kings span the whole of the ‘inhabited world’.
Kinich Yax K’uk Mo—Great-Sun First Quetzal Macaw
Kinich Popol Hol—Great-Sun
B’alam Nehn–Jaguar Mirror; Waterlily-Jaguar
Wil Ohl Kinich—Head on Earth
Tzi-B’alam— Moon Jaguar
K’uk’ Chan Yopaat—B’utz’ Chan; Smoke Serpent
Chan Imix K’awiil—Smoke Jaguar; Smoke Imix
Uaxaclajuun Ub’aah K’awiil—18 Rabbit
Ajaw K’ak Joplaj Chan K’awiil—Smoke Monkey
Ajaw K;ak Yipvaj Chan K’awiil—Smoke Shell; Smoke Squirrel
Yax Pasaj Chan Yopaat—Yax Pac and Ukit Took.
It paints all the ancient world dynasties at one go; the Sun the Moon, the Monkey, the Koliyan, the Sakyas, the Serpents or the Nagas, and the Lions.
The meaning of the word Ox-witik identifies the Oxion or the Auxian or the Go-mantaka region in which both the K’awill(or the Koliyan or the Coili, the Cuckoo) and the Kapil or the Popol were then included. Witik defines itself with ‘Wi’ and wantaok means the monks or the monks of Wutu. Chan as ancient ‘chin’ showing the Han dynasty, and B’alam significantly speaks of Balaram of the Babylon, and –ajuun refers to ancient Ajas of Troy; Yax is exactly the Yakkhas; all name define themselves in and around the geographical situation of the ancient Copan-Kondura or Hondura region on the banks of the river Saraswati. name Cholian also refers to ancient Cholas, a royal dynasty in history. They are not different from the Chhadheyas or the ‘Birds’; Chorti may mark the ancient Cheras or the Kitis.
It is still very interesting to find the indigenous Lencas as Honduras early inhabitants. They were as same as the Lankas or the Lenkas of the biblical times; the Tol, the Trujillo, the Pech, the Paya, the Maya, and the Sumo are mind boggling names which scans the entire ‘inhabited world’ by their historical position in Honduras. The Bajo Aguan refers to the Agni people or the Achaeans of Homeric epics or they may be identified with the Aggaarias and the Gaurians of the ancient world. Colon and Yoro similarly holds the name of their ancient counterparts : Kolhan and Uru being both neighbourly to each other near Bajo same as Barygaza of the Periplus, one of the ancient ports in the Aguan region of Sumo. Quirigua represents the ancient Urighara or Uraga / Kaligula near which was Ohind and Kebera(or ancient Cyprus).
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