Bruna Boinne is an interesting world heritage site whose real name is unbelievable to western scholars who through archaeological excavation relates the history of the site to ‘prehistoric Europe and beyond’. Archaeological Ensembles speaks of Ireland’s past. According to Unesco, ‘Bounded on the south by a bend in the River Boyne, the prehistoric site of Brú na Bóinne is dominated by the three great burial mounds of Knowth, Newgrange and Dowth. Surrounded by about forty satellite passage graves, they constitute a funerary landscape recognised as having great ritual significance, subsequently attracting later monuments of the Iron Age, early Christian and medieval periods’.
‘The Knowth group…dates from the Neolithic period and … has produced thirty monuments and sites … these include passage graves adorned with petroglyphs, enclosures, occupation sites and field systems. The Newgrange group is purely prehistoric, with a ring fort, cursus, passage graves and a henge. The Dowth group is similar to that at Newgrange but there is medieval evidence in the form of a church and a castle’.
Bruna Boinne exactly marks Brinda-vana of Indian puranic traditions; it is identified with its wonderful building which Biswakarma built for Sri Rama. It was built with astronomical signs and colours. It was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. It was in the Virat Country from which the name of Britain has been derived. Description of this sacred place Brindavana is found in both the epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Herodotus has mentioned on this wonderful building also. The place is more linked to the story of Radha and Krishna as it was their rangabhumi or place of their union. Radha was daughter of Brusha-bhanu It was a place situated near Ur country(Ireland).
Ptolemy has shown this land in his maps. it was near Ekbatana. The three tomb sides are recognised with ,
Knowth—Kantha/ means ‘Shoulder’ to the Bible.
Newgrange—Newgra-nge/Nagara or the City of Ang/Name of Eng-land derived from it.
Dowth—Dathu/Seat of Relics of Sages and Seers.
All three names are identified with one place.
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