According to Unesco’s own writings on the 6.5m-tall Minaret of Jam’s archaeological remains, it dates back to 12th c A.D; it is noteworthy for its architecture and decorations in Ghur’s deep river valley region. It stands within the rugged valley along the Hari-rud river at the junction of the river Jam around 215 km-east of Herat. Its geometric decoration in relief is seen with Kufic inscriptions in turquoise tiles. Ghuris Sultan Ghiyas-od-din(1153-1203) built this minaret in 1194; according to scholars, it marks the site of the ancient city of Firuzkuh and it is believed to have been the summer capital of the Gurid dynasty. The write-ups on this Jam-Minaret reads, ‘Surrounding remains include a group of stones with Hebrew inscriptions from the 11th to 12th centuries on the Kushkak hill, and vestiges of castles and towers of the Ghurid settlements on the banks of the Hari River as well as to the east of the Minaret’. Its remains constitute exceptional testimony of the 12th and 13th centuries Ghurid civilization that dominated the region.
Whatever has been said on this Jam Minaret by Unesco does not reflect what it has preserved in its heart and soul for the history of human civilization. Jam stands for the God Jama, King of Death whose Seat of Worship identifies ancient Jerusalem. That is the reason why there are Hebrew inscriptions around this Minaret. Moreover, the meaning of Hebrew can be read from the name of the river Hari that marks the people of Hari-varsha of Indian puranas. Gurid are as same as the Ghoris or Gouryians or the people of the country of Goury. Alexander entered into their country during his Indian invasion time; they were the inhabitants of the Fertile Crescent of the Bible. Agamemnon of Homeric epics was the king of this land which identifies the Moon Country of the ancient world. Similarly, Kushak hill also identifies the people of Kushan dynasty(origin identifies Cush) who fled from their mother country after the great deluge. Each and every word attached to the name of its ruler speaks of their historic land at ‘Ud’, ‘Id’, ‘Od’, ‘Ad’ and ‘Din’; that is the wonder of the Islamic names which indicate their total migrations to different lands through their names only. Herat again identifies the seat of Worship of the deity Herat. This name also appears in the Holy Quran where there were caves. Ghory Dynasty of Indian history has been misunderstood by historians who failed to identify them with Goury country.
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