Old City Heritage Site of Jerusalem exhibits the splendour of humans’ history attached to the ‘inhabited world’ but not to its present site at Jerusalem as reflected in Unesco’s writings. Jerusalem’s meaning has been misunderstood by scholars inside and outside the academic world; what the Unesco site shows is the ‘second site’ of the ancient Jerusalem built by the migrants after their forced departure from the holy city of God Yama, King of Death.
Meaning of Hebrew is different from the meaning of Israel; the latter bears no link with Judaism which is a wrong term as it has been derived from the name Judah, name of a place near Jerusalem. Jerusalem marks a deified place of the ‘inhabited world’ where relics of ancestors were worshipped; it was Seat of Worship of God Yama, King of Death; around this place exist Eight different primordial seats of worship of seven other gods who were collectively called Astarte or Asta Lokapala of the world . Jerusalem is Hade of Homer’s epics where Hade means ‘Hada’ or ‘Bones’.
Israel finds its root in Is-Raul or ‘Iswara Rahul’ or Rachel; the body relics of Rahul was worshipped by a group of followers from different communities who were known as ‘Israelites’. They did not form a tribe, or a clan or a race; they were then identified as a group of worshippers only.
City of Jebus means the followers who were then holding the Jaba-mala means ‘a jappa-mala’ or ‘a garland of holy-beads’ which helps in chanting names of the god of which they were follower with a fixed number like 108.
Jerusalem’s history finds its other name as Urusalim; it is also called as Beth-Salim, or the House of Shalim. Name Salim derives its root from Hebrew ‘sullum’ means ‘ladder’; the latter is a symbol of moksha or salvation. it is identified with ‘suli’ means ‘forced death’ by a royal decree for which reason name of Judges are found in ancient history of this holy city. Anciently people also chose the path of death willingly to get salvation by jumping into rivers from the Tree of Wisdom. So Jerusalem is identified as a Smasana or a place of bones or relics and is thus linked to the memory of ancestors. It was never a place of residence of normal humans. All world epics have written on it; it is not that only Bible has taken account of it and others have left its accounts from their sacred literature.
Urusalim is a coined name of two places: Uru and Salim; Uru finds a greater share in historical writings than any other place; it was the city of Gilgamesh; Abraham’s father Azar was a ruler of this holy city. Buddha preached his First Sermon here; and the Flood Story is attached to the name of this city. Story of ladder similarly is linked to the story of the Buddha as Sankisa same as San or Sana. Babylonian kings are mentioned to have aspired for building ladders to the ‘Heaven’. This was the place neighbourly to Jerusalem. River Ros, which separated the land of the mortals from the immortals, was then flowing on the border of Jerusalem. Ancient sacred texts carry enough information that helps to identify the city. Name Herod has been derived from ‘Hade’ means Jerusalem.
This City of King Yama, is associated with King David and Solomon; but history of these two kings has not been treated properly. David’s name is linked to Devadaha of Pali texts; and name Solomon finds him as a ‘Sraman’ means ‘Monk’; Homeric epics as well as Greek and Egyptian mythology offer a clean geographical picture to trace out this country’s geographical positions.
Cyrus—means ‘Kuru’
Cyprus—means Kubera
Persians—means ‘Barsians’ means the ‘Elders’; they were the ancient Indians
Yehud province—means Ohind of history
Judea—Jadu referring to Mt Jarudhira
Aelia defines its geographical position with respect to Ullay river and Adulia Port near Ezion-geber. Periplus gives a nice picture than other texts.
The Old City, according to Hebrew, is called Ha’Ir Ha’ Atiqah; it is al-Balda al-Quadimah in Arabic; while Balda refers to seat of worship of Baal, Quadimah is as same as Kedar which signifies the Cadmus and Mt Komedai and Kumuda of other texts. Ottoman Empire refers to Wutu of ancient texts. Name Byzantine is a confused term in biblical narratives. Its link with Makkadah and Jericho has not been treated as per facts preserved in the Bible itself. It defines seven places including Luz, Elephantine and Bethel.
Aram which is exactly the same as Arad defines the Parsum of history; Ha Rova identifies the Seat of Worship of God Ravi same as Sun on the south of the Walled City. Gate of Moors identifies the Country of Moeris or the Mauryas or the Mahra or the Mahri or the Mahaneh and Mahanaim region.
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