Unesco’s world heritage site of Lake Turkana National Parks in Kenya are constituted of Sibiloi National Park, the South Island and the Central Island National Parks. The long body of this Lake drops down along the Rift Valley from the Ethiopian border. It is Africa’s fourth largest lake and it is fondly called the Jade Sea. The adjacent Mount Kulal Biosphere Reserve serves as a water shed for the Lake Turkana Basin.
At Kobi Fora to the north of Allia Bay, according to Unesco, ‘extensive paleontological finds have been made, … with the discovery of Paranthropus boisei. The discovery of Homo habilis thereafter is evidence of the existence of a relatively intelligent hominid two million years ago and reflects the change in climate from moist forest grassland when the now petrified forest were growing to the present hot desert…..The human and pre-human fossils include the remains of five species…, The island parks are the breeding habitats of the Nile crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus, the hippopotamus amphibious and several snake species’.
Scholars claim that the lake basin’s preservation of fossil remains are significant in understanding the history of human evolution.
Name of Kenya has been derived from the name of ‘Keniya’, a Jatila( or Jati) who was then living in Apana, a market place. He was a renowned Mahasala scholar and one of the eight classes of ascetics of the ancient world. The name may also find its origin in Kanvaya, name of a sacred place and a mountain(in Mahasala region). Near this place in Dakshinadesa or the ‘south’ , two places, Ten-kongu and Vada-kongu, have been mentioned that also fell in the ancient Nile Valley region.
Korkana, similarly refers to Kotakana or Kutakana, name of a place and name of a king; mostly observed in Ceylonese Chronicles.
Sibiloi—ancient Sibi, same as Greek Thebes.
Mount Kulal—an artificial mountain referring to ‘Kulya’, name may find its origin in Kunal/Kurar or Kuraraghara in Avanti, also.
Kobi Fora—Kabi/Kavi, name of a clan; it has extensive use in ancient literature and the Avesta.
Allia Bay—River Ullay/a Mahasala River
Jade Sea—refers to biblical Judah/Mt Jarudhira in Mahasala region.
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