This heritage site of Unesco is so surprising and so mind-blowing that it cannot be described in few words.
Unesco’s scholarship finds it built in the 16th c by the Spanish on the ruins of the Pre-Hispanic city of Tenochtitlan, the old Aztec capital, which is identified with five of its ruined temple sites; its palace is known as Palacio de las Bellas Artes on a small island in the Lake of Texcoco in the Valley of Mexico.
The ancient identity of the Aztec empire eternally lives in the Templo Mayor, the main temple which bears ‘bears exceptional witness to the cults of an extinct civilization’ that holds the ‘landscape of Xochimilco’. In the words of Unesco, ‘In the midst of a network of small canals, on the edge of the residual lake of Xochimilco (the southern arm of the great drained lake of Texcoco), some chinampas or ‘floating’ gardens can still be found. …With its ruins of five temples erected before the Great Pyramid, and in particular the enormous monolith of Coyol-xauhqui, which symbolized the end of the old cosmogony and the advent of Huitzilopochtli, the tribal god of the Aztecs’.
Scholars find chinampas of Xochimilco as ‘an exceptional agricultural system, based on the combination of environmental factors and human creativity’ that covered the whole island and its capital city. ‘The human-made islands in the shallow lake are one of the most productive and sustainable agricultural systems in the world’; ..this productivity, both in the number of crops that the chinampas produce per year and in the efficiency per unit of sown area, explains the great ability this work intensive system had to survive throughout the centuries’, explains very little on this extinct civilization.
Chinampas is Chinapati to some ancient historians; but it is name of the Goddess Chhinnamasta, a tantric deity of Indian puranas. Chinese pilgrims mention China-pati as name of a ‘place’; but they did not mention it as name of a goddess. The sloka or the mantra that identifies this goddess explains the meaning of Xochimilco, which exactly means ‘Akshimala’ / ‘Akshyara–mala’ or ‘a garland of alphabets or numbers’ of this deity that she holds in her hand. The sloka reads like this :
Narbho subhrarabindam tadupari bimalam mandalam chanda rashne; samsara sayikasaram tribhuan janani dharma-kama-daya dhayam ; Tasmin madhye trikone traye tanudharam Chhinamasta prasastam; tam bande gnanarupam nikhila bhayaharam Yogini yogamudram.
Akhsi-mala which is used to count number of times one has to recite a mantra contains 108 beads and its head point is called ‘Meru’; the akshyara –mala contains 49 beads that marks number of alphabets. This is indicative of the number of heads Goddess Kali wears in a garland-like manner in Her neck.
It has nothing to do with agricultural system; it stands for knowledge and wisdom and yoga. Goddess helps in knowing the ‘alphabets’ which she holds she hold sin her hand. Wonderful her name that shows the Goddess has ‘No Head’ , her ‘body represents only from neck to below her feet’; this form of this Tantric Goddess is worshipped.
What is significant to agriculture is the Bodhisattva Akhimuthi who is related to agriculture; and it marks the sowing of seeds in a particular day of the year called Akshaya-tritiya which falls every year in the month of May/June.
In reality, this Chhinnamasta Goddess is represented by Three Canes’; that is the reason why this Goddess has ‘No Head’ ; when a man enters into a temple, he is hit by this ‘Three Canes’, and this these three canes are collectively known as ‘China-pati’ or the Goddess ‘Chhinnamasta’ . Scholars misunderstood this name as well as failed to connect this ‘Three Canes’ with this Tantric Goddess. This tradition is still observed in Sri Jagannath Temple at Puri. This is also seen in the hands of the ‘Kalasi’ during the time when the ‘Spirit’ enters in his ‘Body’. In Greek tradition at Delphi, and at the Temple of Magna Mater(Maa Mangala) this practice is still observed. What is more interesting here is the fact that those cane-holders are belonged to the Peithon(Pratihari/Prati-Hara) priests and they are identified with seat of Goddess at Bethany same as Bethlehem.
City of Tenochtitlan, the old Aztec capital, is identified with ‘Tini-chitalam’ or the ‘Three Deities’ or the ‘Three-Ratnam or Tri-Ratnam ’ that identifies very nicely the Great Pyramid of the ‘Three Deities at Puri’ only. ‘Chitilan’ also marks the ‘Three Chaityas’ or ‘Three Cars’ of the ‘Three Deities’. This what the ancient migrants carried in their memory of their ancient Land and its Gods.
Mexico pinpoints the Chinese Mo-kie-to that identifies ancient Magadha county where Templo Mayor existed then, and Coyol-xauhqui pinpoints the Mayura or the bird Peacock or the Mayura country whose God is Chemosh or Kumara that identifies Mo-kie, a star, called Mogha and the tribe Magha or the Magi or the Meghas. This God is considered as responsible for the ‘Creation’.
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