Morocco as it is presently seen through Idrisid dynasty(789 and 808 A.D)’s history, does not really portray its long and wide ancient glory which its history deserves to be measured on the scale of history of human civilization. Marinids and Marrakesh who thought to be responsible for building their base at this place, and whose epic identity is linked to Medina and Fez, are required to be looked beyond their madrasas, fondouks, palaces and mosques, and fountains etc.
Unesco finds the historical base of Medina of Fez standing as a living witness to a flourishing city of the eastern Mediterranean region which ‘exercised considerable influence notably in North Africa, Andalousia and in Sub-Saharan Africa’.
The historical face of the place makes Almohads dynasty(12th and 13th A.D.) of the Almoravids linked to Fez El-Bali; and the Merinids (13th to 15th centuries), linked to Fez Jedid, founded in 1276 only. But body and soul of their language preserves a different tale of their past.
Morocco’s name has been derived from ‘Orocco’ or ‘Arka’ which again identifies the Mt Aorronous or Rock Aoronous. It is again the same as Mt Aruna identifying the City of Sun.
Median in Fez is a wonderful historical identity both of Arka and its God Magha who is called Thunder God. The seat of worship of this God who is identified with His weapon Thunder known as ‘Vajra’ sees Fez originated from this name. It has been inscribed as ‘vacc’; Medina is as same as Medea and Madra of other ancient literature, and Fez Jedid identifies Mt Zered or Mt Zarudhira of Indian puranas. Fez El-Bali similarly finds seat of worship of God Baal near it; this God fought against the Thunder God in an unknown time of history.
Andalous stands for Andhaka people or the Androchus of Homer’s epics; and Kairouanais with the Kurus or the Kaurobas marks their ancient base with the seat of worship of Kubera, God of Wealth and Trade.
The two names, Almohads(or Al-Mohads) and Merinids owe their respective ancient origin to Ohind region of Mahasala or Mahanaim or Marmara of the Mt Moriah region near Mt Aurronous. It refers to the deified region of the ‘inhabited world’. The Idrisid dynasty similarly identifies its geographical base with ancient Mt Ida in Udra or Udaka region and Marrakesh thus refers to Makkaswara or Mecca at the foot of Mt Imaos.
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