Unesco’s Myanmar heritage site at the ‘Pyu Ancient Cities’ finds ‘intact remains of the three brick, walled and moated cities of Halin, Beikhano, and Sri Ksetra located in the …dry zone of the Ayeyanwady(Irrawaddy) River basin’. This site, according to Unesco’s findings, ‘reflects the Pyu Kingdom that flourished between 200 B.C. to 900 A.D.’. This site, according to scholars, ‘provides the earliest testimony of the introduction of Buddhism into Southeast Asia almost two thousand years ago’.
Name Pyu identifies the Po-Valley of ancient world which historically focuses the Bodhi Tree or the Tree of Wisdom which is related to the history of Buddhism. And name Pyu or Po originated from its Chinese name Pie-to.
The three heritage sites, Halin, Beikthano, and Sri Ksetra are identified with their ancient historical counterparts like, Alan, Baikuntha, and Sri-Kshetra respectively. While Sri-kshetra identifies the birthplace of Bodhisattva Indra, or the seat of worship of Sage Mogha, Baikuntha marks seat of worship of Sri Mata at Badarika at the foot of Mt Imaos. Iravaty River basin identifies Ur-region and Myanmar itself speaks of ancient Amar which was then situated on the bank of the River Saraswati.
Chinese pilgrims’ accounts help in identifying all these places which they visited at different times of world history. Fa-hians and Hiouen Tsiang who visited ancient India in 5th and 7th c A.D. respectively, have given an exclusive picture of the ‘inhabited world’ of their time in history. Their reports on Buddhist India refers to the ‘inhabited world’ itself and it is completely wrong to identify the history of the present political India through this report.
Pali language was the spoken language of the ancient Greeks, and Pali texts have preserved the vital information on the 6th c B.C. world. These texts were mostly translated into English like the pilgrims’ records by western scholars. But unfortunately when these translators did not find the places mentioned in the Ceylonese Chronicles in Ceylon itself, they did not believe the contents of the Pali literature as a whole. Indian historians followed their western counterparts seriously. Pali texts translators also advised the scholars not to seriously refer to these texts for research purposes. As a result the vast contents of these texts lost their historical values and western scholars never to the ancient texts outside Europe and outside their own language heritage blindly.
Buddha was a Greek philosopher born in Kapilavastu which was a Greek settlement of the ancient world. Due to wrong identification of places mentioned in the pilgrims’ accounts, world history suffers heavily and it continues to harm the academic world and their research base.
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