Unesco’s writings on this heritage site of Netherlands finds it on the ‘contours of the former island of Schokland above the flat lands of the reclaimed Noordoostpolder…’ where ‘remains of prehistoric settlements, dykes and terps have been discovered’.
Ancient history of Netherlands keeps its glorified identity preserved with ‘Land of the Dead’ which is same as the Hade of Homer’s epics, and Jerusalem of the Bible; this pinpoints the Seat of Worship of Yama, God of Death. This identity gets connected significantly with the term ‘Oud-Emmeloord’. While Emmerloored identifies Ammar in the land of ‘Oud’ or Udra-khand. Oud marks sets its ancient identity with Iudah or Yudah from which the biblical name Judah has been originated. This is confirmed when Middelbuurt recognises this Seat of Worship of God of Death at the ‘Centre of the Earth’ same as ‘Madhya-varsha’ or ‘Ilabruta’ or ‘Mt Al-burg’ region. Zuider as Udrak and ‘Schock’ as Eschaet, no doubt, put latter’s position at the the ‘end of the earth’ which identifies the ancient Rome, or the birthplace of Rama, God incarnated of the epic Ramayana.
Noordoostpolder seems to point to two names attached with it : Ordoos and Tpolder; Tpolder which means ‘Utpal’ is exactly the same as Ptolmeais(or tpol) that speaks of the region of Lotus or Tolla region of the Bible, Here ‘-der’ means ‘dhara’ means ‘bhuim’ same as ‘land’. Tolla as well as the region of Udra are home to many stupas. This is the land of the Buddhas and the Bodhisattvas; Tolla holds a ‘museum’ of the idols of Bodhisattvas. Term terps stands for ‘stupas’ of the Buddhist literature.
History of Netherlands is preserves a short geographical history of the whole of the ‘inhabited world’.
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