This world heritage site in Peru defines in a better way the ancient migrant’s coming from the country of Andes, where the Mt Peruvian then situated. Names of Cuzco, Inca, and the ruler Pachacutee similarly have in them preserved the memory of migrants’ homeland while building their new settlements.
The physical evidence does not support the view that the urban composition and the use of space and assembling patterns at the heritage site are characteristics and testimony of Cuzco’s importance as a centre of power that originated from its Spanish colonial relationship. The site’s originality and authenticity should be seen beyond the ‘16th century documents collected by direct witnesses’ and beyond Hispanic conquest of this land.
The Temple of the Sun or Qoricancha, the Aqllahuasi, the Sunturcancha, and Kusicancha carry memories of its people that expands human history beyond imaginary geological time frame of earth. Baroque temples’ fusion of the Plateresco, Mudejar or Churrigueresco styles with the Inca tradition are remarkable scenario of history that does not need help of science to explain where lies the plain of origin of life. The style speaks of the science along the dead-sea-routes through which the ancient mariners passed through prayers from their hearts and with strength of their hands.
The artistic expression and the religious art creation show population’s concern for their customs and traditions and through which they keep their ancestral origin safe in an immortalised corner of their minds.
Peru-Mt Meru, same as Mt Sumeru and Mt Imaos
Andes-Andhak country, Andhak people of ancient Kosala
Plateresco-Utpal-kshetra or region of Lotuses
Mudejar-Mazda, identifies Ahura Mazda of Avesta//Madra
Churrigueresco-Hari-khanda, or the settlement of the Hebrews
Sun or Qoricancha-Sri Kantha, or the City of Sun
Aqllahuasi-Auila or Aulis-Ahuasi//Temple of Yahweh or Ahura Mazda
Sunturcancha-Uttara Kuru/Cyrus
Cancha-kantha// Kacha//temporary house/place of residence, or kacha, or
broken/old house sites//shoulder//neck/pipe/krouncha
Kusicancha-Kusi identifies Kusinagar or Cush settlements
Cuzco-Uruk/Jericho or Jara-pidhi
Inca-Venka, identifies seat of Baktrians
Ruler Pachacutee-Baktrian ruler
Tito-Wutu or Ita, same as Ota
Yupanqui-Bhubana or the world
Tawantinsuyu Inca Empire-Avanti-surya or King of Avanti-Baktrian ruler
Baroque style-style of Baku(refers to Baktrian); same as ancient Mecca
Unesco’s findings that, ‘the City of Cuzco, at 3,400 m above sea level, is located in a fertile alluvial valley fed by several rivers in the heart of the Central Peruvian Andes of South America. Under the rule of Inca Pachacuteq (Tito Cusi Inca Yupanqui), in the 15th century, the city was redesigned and remodelled after a pre-Inca occupation process of over 3,000 years, and became the capital of the Tawantinsuyu Inca Empire, which covered much of the South American Andes between the 15th and 16th centuries AD’, connects its people and their ancientness with the fabrics of the names of the noble city related with the primordial Mt Imaos at the centre of the earth.
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