This world heritage site of Unesco in Moldova stands as a symbolic challenge for modern academic scholarship; history of ancient world has been mishandled by the scholarly world from one corner of the world to the other in a disorderly manner not by one department of human knowledge but by many of them. And this is what is visibly expressed in this heritage site’s writings of its history.
No doubt, name Moldova represents the ancient Udumbara(Mt Imaos) connected with city of Udena and Ujjain, the ancient centre of learning of astronomical sciences. Measurement of meridian involves construction of arcs, and base of earth science is the base that at the first sight puts three places in a straight line; Ujjain, Mt Meru or Mt Imaos, and Uttara Kuru or Cyrus or Shechem. While Mt Meru remains at the centre, Ujjain and Kuru stands at the south and north end of this line of an egg-shaped or an oval-shaped landmass. It cannot be studied at a different place like the present Moldova because the device of arcs cannot divide the geographical situation of the ‘whole-world’ into two exact halves by drawing a straight line. Memory of the migrants weaved a different picture of their new settlement, where they tried to work out their knowledge of their old settlement. Though it is difficult to downplay and comment on their wisdom, Moldova certainly holds the ancient knowledge of the astronomical sciences in a big way.
All components of the Struve Geodetic Arc are linked to one chain and a number of the Arc sites belong to national state geodetic reference networks that confer integrity even with the geodetic measurements processed today
‘The listed site includes 34 stations with different markings, i.e. a drilled hole in rock, iron cross, and cairns, or built obelisks’. This number 34 is exactly the half the number of total geographical division of sixty eight; sometimes this number has been changes to seventy-two and eighty-four. But the straight line divides the landmass equally and there the twelve zodiac sign are fixed accordingly.
Unesco’s notes on this site reads, ‘The first accurate measuring of a long segment of a meridian, helping in the establishment of the exact size and shape of the world exhibits an important step in the development of earth sciences. It is also an extraordinary example for interchange of human values in the form of scientific collaboration among scientists from different countries. It is at the same time an example for collaboration between monarchs of different powers, for a scientific cause’.
Friedrich Georg Wilhelm Struve could not understand the meaning of the ancient knowledge hidden behind these thirty-four stations points spread over ten geographical divisions of the ancient world; so his construction of the 34 stations fell in different parts of Europe like, four points in Norway, four in Sweden, six in Finland, two in Russia, three in Estonia, two in Latvia, three in Lithuania, five in Belarus, one in Moldova and four in Ukraine , being stretched from Hammerfest in Norway to the Black Sea, through ten countries and spread over 2,820 km.
The original arc consisted of 258 main triangles with 265 main station points and they were put to divide the 360 degrees to cover the 365 days of the year. Perhaps, 100 less number of stations are missing at the original site.
This not only negates Newton’s theory, but also prior studies made by Lambton and Everest (completed in 1845) on India, Lithuania by Carl Tenner in Estonia could not match the wisdom of ancient Ujjain. When Unesco’s scholarship talks of ‘The determination of the size and shape of the world was one of the most important problems of natural philosophy since at least the 4th century B.C’, then it should have referred to the ancient texts and the geographical situation of that time which Ptolemy and Eratosthenes have shown in their works.
When Unesco observes that, ‘The Struve Geodetic Arc is undoubtedly an outstanding example of a technological ensemble – presenting the triangulation points of the measuring of the meridian, being the non-movable and non-tangible part of the measuring technology’, then it is now time that ancient knowledge hidden behind this site may now fight against Struve’s blind belief on the original station points and Geodetic Arc .
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