This world heritage site is a peculiar site that reminds how English translation of proper names relating to ancient world has misled ancient world history. Idabra Atoll of Seychelles is located in Indian Ocean whose ancient coral reef, according to scientists, is 125,000 years-old which has been repeatedly raised above sea level. This atoll is home to giant tortoises, ‘the world’s largest population of this reptiles’.
According to Unesco’s writings on the property of this heritage, it ‘is a significant natural habitat for birds, with two recorded endemic species (Aldabra Brush Warbler and Aldabra Drongo) and ….Aldabra provides an outstanding natural laboratory for scientific research and discovery….’.
Seychelles derived its root from Sha-chi, or Saketa, name of a place, whose history identifies it with ancient Ajodhya, Though Ajodhya marks a region of the ;inhabited world’ not a ‘place, Seychelles pinpoints a place called Sha-chi whose history covers many pages classical literature. It is exactly the other name for ancient Rome which is the birthplace of Rama, the God incarnated of the epic the Ramayana. It identifies Caesarea or Kesuria of Roman history that marks the birthplace of Kausalya, mother of Rama. It was a place in Kosala kngdom. With this name is attached Atalia, And the latter significantly is connected with Herat, seat of worship of goddess Hera of Greek mythology.
Journey of Aeneas from Troy to land of Dido as described in Vergil’s Aeneid mentions ‘Sichaeus known for wealth and brother to the Punic Throne, possessed fair Dido..from whence the races of Alban fathers come and the long glories of majestic Rome…..’.
With this name are attaché names of Sicily, Atalia, Alba, Idabra, and the bird Drongo etc.
Name Drongo is the English translation of the Kajalapatia bird which has four other names in Odiya language dictionary. These four names identify this bird’s habitats in four ancient places including Kalinga and Kajalapatia. So Kalinga is one of the names of this bird; on English translation, this bird’s name and its ancient habitat’s identity is lost forever. Kajalapatia is another wonderful name that also lost its ancient identity as birthplace of Jesus Christ and seat of worship of Zeus or Kasyapa. Idabra identifies the river Daya as same as river Indus that again identifies the name of Aenean’s father.
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