It is an academic failure to sign out the ancient history of Singapore that holds its multiple historical identity not linked to the Singapore Botanic Gardens since its establishment in 1859, but with the name of its first founding father Lee Kuan Yew whose name opens the window to look at the ancient history of the land and beyond which sits on a vast geographical landscape around its present city-state identity.
Several scholars are of the opinion that Temasek changed its name to Singapore or Singapura. Both Portuguese account and the Malaya Annals have taken this name Temasek that finds the Parameswar as a ruler of Temasek and it links again to the name Sang Nila Utam. This accounts itself spans history of thousands of years where Parameswar is identical with Paramartha dynasty(Shing-i-tai) of history who were kings of Pallabha(also Ballabha) or Persepolis of Alexander’s historians. Paramarth kings were identified with the region of the Og-island as same as the ancient Egypt and Tamralipta port was under their control. Indian puranas find Tamala-vana linked with a port in this name. But in biblical account Abraham planted the Tamarisk Tree(Tamarind Tree!) in the region of Mahasala or Mahanaim that identifies the Kedar region or the region of the Serpent Plain or the Negev. This Temasek thus is not different from Tanais of the Bible and Tunya of the Tunya-Wut-Sela Inscriptions. Alexander’s history sees it as Tyna, and others as Turina.
Majapahit is again the same as Majjhima-desha or the Middle Country of the Mahasala region; Maja as majhi means ‘middle’, and ‘pahit’ as ‘pahi’ means ‘path’ or ‘axis’. It may also mean as Megha or Magha land or the land of the Meghas or the Magis. As the name of the King is Sri Vijayan(Tan-ma-sa-bo), this significantly points to the name of the King Vijaya who migrated from Kalinga to Ceylon in the 6th c B.C.; he was the first king in history to get forcibly sent to an unknown land because of his misconduct. ‘Sri’ identifies the name of the place called Sri-kshetra or the birthplace of Ahura Mazda or Sage Mogha.
Name Sang Kila Utam marks the place ‘San’ in the Nile river valley region that is neighbourly to Ut or Wutu from which the name Yew finds its root in ‘Wi’ same as ‘Ui’ and ‘Ai’. ‘–Tam’ may also refer to Tamal or Tamralipta from where the migrants went to their new destinations.
Pulau, no doubt refers to ancient ‘Pal’ or Palla or Palabha or Ballabha; and Ujong to ‘junga’ or ‘jang’ means ‘field’. It is a compact region where all names are homed in ‘one historical’ pocket. Palai is also a title that identifies its root in Paalai Samudda of Magadha.
Malaka or Mallika pinpoints the name Malika of Kosala kingdom; it identifies the land of the ‘garland makers’ ; it does not identify the land of the Mlechhs or the Mallicks as it seems to. Fort Canning similarly marks Klein or Kolhana or the Birds Island of ancient history. Johor identifies the Jurrites of the Bible, same as Horrrites. The tribes’ obscurity over a period does not always tell their extinction. Geographical isolation often makes history stumbles on different name-forms of a tribe and their homeland.
Old Javanese epic, Nagara-kreta-grama, written in 1365, and the Javanese work Pararaton, both mention history of the first-land of their inhabitants, and carry name of Temasek; similarly, Chinese traveller Wang Dayuan who visited the land Temasek and also the Malaya settlement, called this land as Danmaxi. But it is wrong to identify it with Temasek’ ; Vietnamese records of 14th c A.D. name one Sach Ma Tich, it refers to Sha-chi or Saketa, not to Temasek; both Sha-chi and Takka were neighbourly to each other. Marco Polo’s Chiamassie pinpoints chianapati, not to Temasek.
Singpura as Sihapura or Simhapura holds certain historical identity for Singapura as the first King Vijaya of Simhala migrated from Sihapura(Sang-ho-pu-lo) of Kalinga. Lion’s people of the ancient world were the Romans who were worshipping the Lote Tree( of the Bible) same as Lakuchi Tree of Indian puranas. This may be the Temasek Tree of Singapore’s ancient identity. There are villages in the name of Simha means ‘Lion’, same as Lara or Lala and both identify a dynasty as well as ‘titles’.
Chinese travellers of ancient world did not come from the present China but from their ancient homeland identified as ‘Chin’ , land of the Chaan or Chana clan. So Mao Kun’s map identifies the ancient land of his own country. Because both Silk Route and the Silk Town were identified with Tamralipta Port of ancient history.
Wang Dayuan ‘s visit to two Temasek settlements : Long Ya Men and Ban Zu , identify Baranga and Anjana forests of Kosala; because his work Daovi Zhilile seems to mean a work on the district of Daya as his name itself identifies the river Daya on whose bank the historic Kalinga war was fought between the Romans and the Kalinga people. This must have triggered some people to migrate to other countries. The two hills which he mentions as looking like Dragon’s Teeth mark the Udayagiri and the Khandagiri hills in Anjana forest.
Yuan dynasty refers to its root in ‘yuan-chi’ means ‘shamana’ or monk; it may have some historical connection with Yu-chi tribe of Yu-chi country whose settlements were on the bank of the Indus river or the river Daya. Here production of yu-kin pinpoints the tree Turmeric(Haladi); this tree may also identify this Temasek. It sounds like tamakhu which is largely used as a nissaya(intoxicant). Keppel Harbour of the Dayuan’s work certainly identifies the Kapila or Kophe on the river Indus. He has exclusively mentioned on the ‘western sea’ and this holds the entire work’s geographical situation that puts the river Daya at the centre. He has identified its inhabitants as Orang Laut same as Orodanta, or ‘Raut’ of Orong. Here Raut though is a ‘title’ identifies a ‘clan’; and this name is reflected in the biblical narratives as a ‘leader’ perhaps, belonged to kshatriya clan.
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