Unesco’s world heritage site of Solomon Islands at East Rennell finds people of Polynesian origin occupying its four villages near the Lake Tegano.
This is one of the most important heritage sites of Unesco which has the potentiality to speak loudly on ancient migration. This historic site simultaneously dismisses present Israel’s claims through excavation works that it represent its ancient counterpart.
Solomon stands for ‘Sramana’ means ‘Bhiskhsu’ or Monk. King Solomon identifies a Monk as King of the ‘inhabited world’, not just of Israel alone. Scholars find Solomon’s other name as Wantoks means ‘Bante’(pontes of the Greeks) same as Monk; here ‘bante’ is a Pali word. Scholars’ extraction of the meaning ‘one people’ for it is not correct.
Outlying islands Sikaiana, and the Temotu Islands are identified with the ancient Sri Kantha and Tribeni, two neighbouring places; the latter marks the meeting point of Three Rivers. Temotu perhaps means ‘Tri-mata’ or the ‘Three Mothers’: Ganga, Jamuna and the Indus or the Sindhu. Name Polynessian is as same as the place of worship of the God Essenes or Issan on the plain of the river Accesine. And similarly Melanesian identifies the region of the Malla Country or the Mahasala and seat of ancient Jerusalem. Capital of Solomon is Honiara which pinpoints the ancient Aruna or the Mt Aoronous. This exactly defines the City of Sun near ancient Jerusalem near Mt Hor. Thus Rennell is as same as Renuka of the ancient literature that identifies the Parsum coast near the City of Sun. Lake Tegano here is no other than the Lake Tagar on the bank of the river Sada Nira.
The most versatile cultural identity of the ancient migrants is hidden behind the names of their ‘outrigger canoe’; from the respective flag colours were identified the ancient kings, their kingdoms, and their dynastic origin. Looking through the same cultural element, most mariners are identified through the way they make their ‘outrigger canoe’ which identify their ancestral land’’s creativity and ownership of boat-making.
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