Spain is credited with around forty-six world heritage sites of Unesco; and this endows the scholars to be extra careful when different ancient names are cradled here with their peculiar relationships and along with their unified geographical history and dynastic connections.
Seven world dynasties meet in Spain’s own explanations of its ancient history when it tries to search the cultural identity of its people through Zirid Dynasty, Nasrid Dynasty, Moorish Dynasty, Granada Dynasty, Arab Dynasty, Hispania Dynasty, Mocarabe Dynasty and Andalusi Dynasty where Arabic epigraphy fixes its fingers somewhere in its ‘talking architecture’.
Unesco observes, ‘The property of the Alhambra, Generalife and Albayzín, Granada, stands on two adjacent hills, separated by the river Darro. Rising above the modern lower town, the Alhambra and the Albayzín form the medieval part of the City of Granada, which preserves remains of the ancient Arabic quarter’.
This presents a surprising historical phenomena that shows how ancient migration happened when Noah’s planning saw putting of different sections of people in one boat ‘to preserve’ the humanity from its total extinct.
Religious identity of the ‘Four Dynasties’ in Spain’s story of its ‘Past’ does not accommodate anything but ‘cultural coherence’ of its people who came in a ‘single boat’ to save humanity.
Wonderful is this journey whose story should enlighten the monarchs of the modern democracy; no world religion can withstand to remember the ‘Boat’ means ‘naha’ that carried the ancient migrants whose religions the ‘Boat’ did not ask when it put them on its board with a promise to find for them an unknown destinations.
‘The residential district of the Albayzín, which constitutes the origin of the City of Granada, is a rich legacy of Moorish town planning and architecture in which Nasrid buildings’ stand with houses in Andalusian style that line with Alhambra and Generalife the known artistic techniques… Together with this, it comes to fruition in a decorative program based upon geometry, epigraphy and vegetable decoration that attain its most characteristic expression in Mocárabe vaults…’
Modern Names Ancient Counterparts
Albayzín—Mt Alavi/Alaba/Elebe//Olebe//Alps//Al-borg// Persian Dynasty
Zin—Place of Worship or Zion or a Jinn, or Jinh etc. means a Great Teacher
Alhambra—Al-Hambra//Mother Amba
Generalife—Mt Gerizim or Girima
Hispano—Land of Hansa//Hansa-vana/Pal Dynasty
Nasrid—Mt Naisadha//Naimisha-arany
Mocárabe—Mokkaswara same as Mecca at Baku/ Baktrian Dynasty
Moorish—Moeris or Land of Mayura or Moeria or Maya or Maurya Dynasty
Andalusian—Andes or Andhakas etc.’’Kosala Dynasty or Kesari Dynasty
Granada,—Gundi//Gond//Gondphares//Gonardde Dynasty
River Darro—River Daya same as Indus
Arab—City of Sun or Rabi
Zirid—mt Zered or Mt Jaradhira//Magadha Dynasty
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