Unesco’s scholarship sees this world heritage city founded in the 3rd millennium B.C. which it considers to be one among the oldest continually inhabited cities in the world. By virtue of its geographical position it is observed to have become the commercial and cultural centre both for Africa and Asia. Excavations at Tell Ramad find its history as early as 8,000 to 10,000 B.C.
But it is not correct to document complex influences of Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine and Islamic over this old city whose history scholars read and write through its Umayyad caliphate, the Azem Palace, madrasas, khans and other places simultaneously with arrival of Armaeans to control this city.
When Unesco writes that, ‘In spite of Islam’s prevailing influence, traces of earlier cultures particularly the Roman and Byzantine continue to be seen in the city’ and finds this city’s base on a Roman plan and on Greco cultural aspects in city’s north-south or east-west orientation, many aspects of world history misses their ancient identity though earliest visible physical evidence linked with the remains of the Temple of Jupiter exists.
The best part of its history lives in the name Umayyad which describes its history by pointing its root to the name ‘myaa’ means the country of ‘Maya’ or ‘Mayura’ near Adulis. Temple of Jupiter is a part of this country on the bank of the Caspian Sea that identifies the settlement of ancient Aram people or the people of Arad on whose control was the port of Adulis or Adulia.
These four places, i.e Temple of Jupiter, Maya country, Aram country and the port of Aduli will help to define the geographical meaning of the other places, i.e Azem Palace, madrasas, Tell Ramad, and khans. Name Rama or Ramad always pinpoints Rama the God incarnated of the epic the Ramayana. Azem marks the ancient Magians of the Temple of Jupiter in City of Sun which was neighbourly to Madra country that defines the meaning of Madrasas ; ‘khans’ is such a wonderful name that it finds its historic connection with ‘kantha’, ‘kinhi, and ‘kanheya’ etc. which means the ‘pipe’ or ‘neck’ or the ‘shoulder’ etc. it is a neck-like land or pipe like land that connects it with the salt sea.
Historic Damascus in reality identifies the settlements of Arab peoples’ land with God Chemos or Kumar. It makes to define the ‘whole’ of a geographical unity in land of the Sur, or Saury or the Surya from which the name Syria has been derived. This land of Sur is again neighbourly to Seir(same as land of Assyrians), or the Kingdom of Mesh who was a follower of God Chemosh.
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