Mesa Verde plateau stands on the south west Colorado, where according to Unesco’s observations, ancestral Pueblo Indian dwelling sites are situated from 6th c A.D. There are imposing cliff dwellings consisting of more than hundred rooms on the Mesa top which are built out of stones. Puebloan culture is considered as the ancient cultural tradition of Native American tribes which lasted for almost nine hundred years from c 450 to 1300.
Pueblo is a corrupt name for Pariplaba of Indian puranic literature which exactly identifies the ‘Periplus’ of the Erythraean Sea region. It was anciently a water-logged region which, as it seems, never differs from geographical situation of the Caspian Sea. It is a testimony of the ancient mariners’ skill that scaled the troubled oceanic routes with much difficulty and reached such far off lands from their native place and gave the new residence that carries the name of their ancient land.
Mesa identifies the Edomite King Mesh of the land of the Seir peoples or the Lions’ people. Mesa also identifies the Buffalo(means Maisi of the Egyptian mythology), the animal of burden of God Yama, the King of Death whose seat of worship was at Jerusalem. Verde marks the region of Udra, and Colorado, perhaps, is as same as Cholas of Arad. There was very little geographical difference between the land of the people of Arad or Aram and the Cholas(also the Chaladeans) of ancient Babylon.
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