UNGIWG is completely unaware of the ancient maps which collectively show the geographical boundary of the ‘inhabited world’ and settlements of its different tribes only two thousand years ago. Advancement of science also has taught its earthy-members to discard things which are not useful to humans’ memories as providing tools to improve quality of life as human beings. When World Climatic Report was prepared by certain scientists of repute, it was not in their knowledge that ancient maps also point to some climatic changes in their geographical situations of their times. It is absence of this knowledge among the Members in the Working Groups that makes a lot of differences. As these maps are not in the classroom curriculum and the contents of these maps are fully incomprehensible in nature and its geographical situations are completely untraceable, things remain in darkness as before. But they do not perceive the idea that ‘land never dies’ like humans.
So there are large loopholes in World Climatic Reports as this report did not treat the reality factors of changing boundary lines of the land that once was enclosed within their drawings.
Exclusion of these maps from the scientific study in our time is a dangerous idea which still prevails at certain level of scientific thinking those who do not believe in the geographical knowledge of ancient geographers.
Pliny has left the record of a number of places which were submerged in the ocean as well as new lands which emerged after that. We did not like to look into it; it w\is the work of the Working Group which now should look at it for future safety of human life on earth.
The Organisation works, according to its website information, as a professional group in the fields of cartography and geographic science to address geospatial issues-maps, boundaries, data exchange, standards.-that affect the work of UN Organizations and Member States. To improve the efficient use of geographic information for better decision-making, promote standards and norms for maps and other geospatial information, and build mechanism for sharing, maintaining and assuring the quality of geographic information, and provide a forum for discussing common issues and emerging technological advances. But then why we fail to locate the land that once had been locked in the ancient maps of Ptolemy and others.?
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