Identification of the real geographical situation of Bethany will alter the ‘World’ of its ‘Science’ of ‘Faiths’ on God’s ‘Existence’ and ‘His Science’ on earth.
People then assembled at Bethany, the last biblical scene in ‘Life of Jesus’, only because it is the ‘Place of Divinity’ where anointing of kings then took place.
‘Bethany is known to biblical Commentators as the village of Lazarus, Mary, and Martha, ‘not far from Jerusalem, just under two miles’(Jn, 11:1,18), which Jesus made his place of residence when visiting Jerusalem (Mk 11:1, 14:3); It is the Ananiah of Neh, and just East of Jerusalem around the south end of the Mt of Olives’.
Biblical Commentators introduced the elements of conspiracy of Judas and disbelieved the story of anointing as mentioned in the Gospels. This is a great blunder. There was no conspiracy at all. Bethany is a place just neighbouring to both Judah and Galilee on the ‘East’. To find different settings in the narratives of the Lk and Jn(12:1-8) is incorrect.
The Passover is called in Gk as pascha, and in Hebr it is pesah; the Passover meal marked the beginning of the Nisan 15; it was the most important of the three feasts whose observance was incumbent on every male Jews over 12 years of age(Ex 23:14-17). It was followed by ta azyma (as restored by the Commentators, ‘the feast of unleavened loaves’), the seven days from Nisan 15 to 21(Lv 23:5-6); The popular linking of these two feasts is inherited from the P tradition of the Pentateuch; huge crowd flocked to celebrate the festivals. The popularity of this festival is not connected to Jesus but to the ‘seat of worship of the deity’, and it has nothing to do with the hostility of Jewish leaders, as noted in the Commentaries
Byzantium scholarship does not find Bethany as a part of its biblical history; nor does it consider Bethany as a seat of worship of a goddess as observed elsewhere in other ancient literature.
Indian puranic tradition connects God Biranchi with Narayana, and thus is knwn as Biranchi-Narayana, the other name for Sage Kasyapa. This name again finds its geographical identity connected with Caspian Sea, which is the other name for Nrayana Sar.
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