Scholars of the Avesta found geographical descriptions of the Avesta as mostly mythical, and thus the whole land linked to the Achæmenian and the Sassannian dynasties got shifted by pens of scholars from their original base to some other regions making Avestan historical identity more confusing and academically more useless.
The legend of Azi of the Avesta is the legend of the ‘Aj’ or the ‘Snakes’; and the clan of this Snake or Naga or Ahi is linked to the ‘origin of the ‘Fire’ and thus it localizes the seat of the ‘Volcano’ in the region neighbourly to Medic, Mesopotamia and Babylon as they were all immediate neighbours of the kingdom of Aja Dahak at Ajodhya. Prayers of the latter to Ahri-man by the banks of the Sipît rût(Saraswati!) and his adversary Ferîdûn’s birthplace in Ghilân, and his chaining to Mount Damâvand makes a clear description of the geography where then stood the ancient Ajodhya or the City of Gods at Troy.(FN,Ch.III).
Greeks took the Thunder as a weapon of the god Zeus and this they worship as Ὄσσα Διὸς ἄγγελος ‘ ; the Romans link this with God with House of Fama, same as House of Rama or Ajodhya from where the ‘Voice of the cloud’ comes.
In the mouth of Zarathustra, ‘he smites down Angra Mainyu with the Ahuna vairya (Aonover) as he would do with stones as big as a house, and he burns him up with the Ashem vohu as with melted brass’.
Azi Dahâka reigning in Bawru finds his personification with serpent ‘Azi’ and more commonly with Avesta’s ‘Ithyêgô marshaonem’ or the ‘the unseen death,’ or death which visits without notice(according to translation of scholars of Avesta). Because one can see ‘Ithyego’ as “Ithica’ , a place in the Serpent Plain identifying the region of Greek Cadmus and ‘marshahaonem’ as Lake Manasseh which identifies the kingdoms of King Mani in the Negev(Naga or the Serpent) region of the ‘South’; and the ‘Fire’ and the ‘Volcano’ lay in the ‘south-east’ direction.
That Azi is also an Arjuneyya or a Trojan belonging to the Snake clan or the Nagas who fights against his enemy Âtar, the fire, and strives to extinguish it, and together with the Pairikas, he wants to carry off the rain-floods, Here Atar is as same as Atri of the Indian puranas linked to Agni or ‘fire-tradition’, and according to Greeks, this identifies the Achaeans, or the Chin or the Akni or the Yakni people associated with the river Accesine or the Ascesine.
The neck of Arezûra (Arezûrahê grîva) is ‘a mountain at the gate of fire, from where it rushes forth’ ; it is also called ‘the head of Arezûra’ (Farg. XIX, 45), or, ‘the back of Arezûra’. Arezûra was first the name of a ‘fear’ who was killed by Gayômard (Mainyô-i-khard XXVII, 15); and Arezûra is the mountain that identifies the City of the Trojans’ or the Arjuneyyas near the seat of God Volcano.
The serpent, Azi Dahâka, when takes hold of the world, Keresâspa(Sage Kasyapa, or Zeus, and son of Sage Mogha of the Median) woke up from his sleep, and then he killed Azi, the snake. This story points to a definite geographical plain for its link to the Median and Mesh country in the immediate neighbourhood of Jerusalem.
Medea, Media, Midian, Madra, and Medina are but the names of one and the same place at different times of history which occupies the heart and soul of religious heritage of human civilization in one form or the other. Avesta were written in Media by the priests of Ragha and Atropatene, which exhibit the sacerdotal ideas of the Magis or the Magians under the Achæmenian or the Achaean dynasty.
The Holy Qur’an is the only source that says total disappearance of the Midinites. Seat of Worship at Midia or Midian identifies the Temple of Ragha which also pinpoints the origin of the river Ganges or the river Rangha. Worship of Ragha marks the total body-relics temple of Sage Mogha, or Megha, father of Sage Kasyapa, known to world literary heritage in various name-forms like Caspo, Kaspeira, Caspian, Kasappa, Kesava, and Zeus. Meghas were the descendants of Sage Mogha, who, according to Buddhist texts was born as Bodhisattva Indra. His place of worship at Midian is described as ‘Heaven’ in all ancient texts. It is also called Gangadwara in Indian puranas, and there was a dynasty, a port and a town in this name here.
Alexander treacherously killed two thousand Meghas and wiped out their ancient settlements mercilessly.
The Holy Quran speaks( 52. Al Tur, The Mount) that ‘in the past have We have destroyed gangs ….’. Commentators of this sacred text could not see the ‘gangs’ as same as the Ganga-people or the Gangaridae of Ptolemy as same as the Midianites, and even did not relate them with the ancient Magis whose dwellings were then on the bank of the river Ganges. They took them as ‘Ashya ‘akum’ or ‘gangs’ or ‘parties’ or ‘collection of men’, and addressed them as wicked men who arrogantly rely upon their own strength or combination, neither of which can stand for a moment against the Will of Allah’. The natives of ‘Gangas’ were also known to history as ‘barbarians’, whose king hailed from a ‘Barber’ community. But Gang or Gangaridae was not a Magi. Indian puranas mention as Gargis like the Gaga of the Bible to identify the same stock of the ancient tribe linked to Esdrass of the OT or Sudasa of Indian puranic tradition. Gaga becomes Gaza in the eyes of modern academic scholarship. The Persian Gazn, the Byzantine Gaza, and Ganzaka, the names which confuse the modern scholars is linked to this river Ganges only. Hasti people(should not have been translated as the Elephantine) were also living on upper streams of this river. All ancient texts agree that this Elephantine totally disappeared but they do not say that the river Ganges disappeared.
Herodotus (III, 65) sees the usurpation of the Magian Smerdis under Cambyses as an attempt of the Medes to recover the hegemony they had lost, and from Herodotus it is seen that (I, 101) the Medes were divided into several tribes, Busae, Paraetakeni, Strouchates, Arizanti, Budii, and Magi. The account of Marcellinus also refers to Magians like Pliny as a clan.
Zoroaster was followed by a long series of Magi, Osthanae Astrampsychi, and Pazatae, till the destruction of the Persian empire by Alexander. (FN;Ch.III). And these names are names of places in the Midian region. Meghas of ancient Kalinga in whose name the Megha-vahan dynasty ruled Odisha in 1st c B.C. represents the Magis of the ancient world.
Zoroaster is described as one who overthrows the demons: he is a smiter of fiends, like Verethraghna, Apâm Napât, Tistrya, Vayu, or Keresâspa. Zoroaster is also identified with Mt Zered of the Bible and Mt Jarudira or Mt Jaradhira of Indian puranas. Jara-sandha, and Jara Sabara of Indian puranas identify a group of religious followers or worshipers of relics whose settlements were then situated on the bank of the river Ganges.
Disappearance of the Midinites is again linked to disappearance of the river Ganges, to the disappearance of the river Indus, and to the disappearance of the Gangaridaes to whom scientists termed as the people of the Gondwana.
Mouth of this river Ganga was linked to Lake Manasarovara which was close to the seat of the ancient Volcano at Khandav; Kundi or Kundiza is ‘the offspring of Kundi; ‘Kundi is a corrupt form of Khandava or Kavandi or Kavanda; the Indian homonym kavandha means literally ‘a tub,’ and or ‘a raining cloud’ (Rig-veda V, 85, 3; IX, 74, 7); he becomes then the demon in the cloud (Farg, XIX, 41). He is known in Greek mythology under the name of Κάανθος; (Kuhn, Herabkunft des Feuers, p. 134) (FN:Frag.XI). It also identifies the Kiskinda of the Ramayana, same as the Monkey Kingdom near which this Volcano then really existed.
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