According to Indian puranic tradition, Kapotika, same as Coptus(or/near Kapisthala), is another name for Agni or ‘Fire’. Sanskrit Kapotika means an ‘Eagle’, an image of ‘Fire’. Agni took this form when he entered the kingdom of Bali in Sutala, one of the seven Underworlds of the primordial geography. Of course, Agni has also been represented in various other animal forms in Vedic hymns.
According to Pliny, Egypt was near this town of Coptus. But classical scholars see Coptus as same as Egypt itself. This ancient town identifies the geographical situation of the biblical volcano in the range of Mt Caucasus near which the river Saraswati flows.
All Indian puranas describe Rouraba as a hell. Its burning charcoals stretches for miles, and below this is the liquid bronze in heated condition that makes it an uninhabitable place on earth. This description of the puranas marks Rouraba as seat of the ancient volcano. Rouraba is also considered as name of ‘roaring voice’ that awakens fear in humans.
Vedic description sees Agni as having three-heads and three tongues, and uses many epithets to describe the all-pervading nature of this God. But the root, from which this name of Agni has been derived, is ‘Aj’ and scholars are divided on finding out its real meaning which identifies the ‘place’ where ‘Fire’ is discovered by a tribe in this name. Name of places have been used as ‘words’, like Tanuna-pat, which is another name of Agni and it is identical with Tanais of the Bible. Three-head of Agni also pinpoints three place from where emanation of fire and clouds ancient seers have noticed. And Pliny in his NH has given names of some places where mountains were emitting fires.
Rishi Khatvanga when he was singing the verses from the Veda, found Hutasana, or the ‘eruption of the volcano’. Hutasana is another name of ‘Fire’. Seeing flames of Hutasana, ‘Ajyapayi-Fathers’ immediately reached the hermitage of Rishi Khatvanga. ‘Ajvapayi-Fathers’ are identified as Fathers of the Land of the Ajas or the Ahis, same as the Nagas( or Negev), or the Serpents, who were the Trojans of Homer’s epics, or the Arjuneyyas of ancient history. It pinpoints the land of the Ajas as same as Oja-dvipa which includes Troy (Tyre of Alexander and Toya of Indian puranas). It narrates the story of the Romans which is connected with name of Rama, of the epic the Ramayana. Name of Hutasana is identical with Hittite where the asana or ‘seat’ of the ‘Fire’ or the Agni was. Hittite of the Bible is as same as Hataka of Indian puranas. Thus, ‘Aj’ defines the Ajas, and the Arujuneyyas , or the Trojans linked with the ‘seat’ of this Volcano. And this geographical situation of the volcano has been revealed in the Iliad.
In the epic the Mahabharata, it is mentioned that Agni consumed the Khanda-prastha forest. He was then suffering from a disease called loha(or Iron). It exactly marks the Hebr ‘olah’. Khanda-prastha, or simply Khnada, bears no geographical differences with the Coomari island or the biblical Qumran, and Kamarupa of ancient history, the site of the first temple of Jerusalem. So the volcanic eruption which finds loss of Khanda, exactly describes the loss of the Kumari island or the place where Daughters of Zion were living in a Temple here. Ptolemy puts this island and the temple in some of his maps.
This finds another explanation to the origin of ‘Agni’ in Vedic verses; by friction of two sticks, called aranis, Agni is born; the process of friction of the two sticks is known as Pramantha, which is connected with Karmapa-dvipa. There exist in Vedic hymns names of places involved within the volcanic region but they have largely been treated as words. This has compounded the problem of identification of places like Karmapa which is exactly the Kumai Island or Kama-rupa, or the temple-site of Daughter of Zion in biblical history.
Pliny’s death in the eruption of Vesuvius in AD 79 suggests the situations of this volcano near the seat of administration of Roman Caesarea at Troy. Vesuvius is synonymous with Vaisvanara, another name of Agni or Fire, of Indian puranas. This was a bad land, for Vaisvanara had not made it habitable. It is a land eastward of the river Saraswati. ‘Agni’ is also called Viswatomukha or the ‘World-Faced’.
Vayu purana gives another picture of the seat of the ancient volcano but localised it in the Salmali island(Hebr shalhebetyah; and Song of Song’s Shulammite), and calls it ‘Kukudvan’. Situation of Mt Kukudvan(or Mt Kaukasus) along with Mt Mesha, Mt Kumuda, Mt. Unnata, Mt. Balahaka, Mt Drona, and Mt Skanda is very significant. This clearly puts in description of the locality that has gone into the descriptions of the Route of the Exodus of the Bible where Israeli followers of Moses found a volcano emitting clouds and pillars of ‘fire’..
Vayu purana mentions Mt Mesh as name of the place where ‘Agni’ or ‘Fire’ lives; it identifies countries which were then at the foot of these mountains:
Mt. Kumuda—Sweta or the White Country/Village; also Suprabha country,
Lotus regions on the banks of the river Nile.
Mt Unnata— Lohita Country(Lata kingdom); Mt Ita/Ota/Wuto region
Mt Balahaka—Jimuta Country(Balhika, or Bahika, or Byblos, or
Mt Drona—Harita Country( Dan or Don settlements), Erythrean region.
Mt Mahisa—Manasseh country, Anupa-desha or Anotatta in Hittite; ‘south’
Mt Skanda—Seat of Worship of God Chemosh or the Coomar Island
Mt Kanka —Baidyut country, or country of the Yidat Israel, same as Adyaita Israel; Monkey Kingdom; Kaka/Keka country.
Among the seven rivers of this region, name of Pani-Toya( or river Troy) and Chandra(Scamander) are identifiably important. Pani-Toya has three different name forms like : Punya-Toya, or the Sacred Toya, and the others are: Kara-Toya, Vishnu-Toya and Siva-Toya; Kara-Toya identifies a tribe in this name.
Most importantly, a tribe in the name of Agni, or Akni, or Yakni is found in most of the ancient literature. Homeric epics describe them as the Achaeans; this name finds as same as Chins, or Chans, or Chann, or the Qins of the ancient world to whom historians see as ancient Chin people. They were also called Anu( of Indian puranas) or On(of the Bible) and are considered as representing the people of the Han dynasty. Historians see Khotan as seat of the Chin people and connected with Silk production.
Indian puranas describe in a little different way when they give a long list of kings under Anu and Aja clans. But it considers King Baharta from whose name country of Bharata-varsha has been derived as a king belonging to this Agni clan.
Exact location of the ancient volcano identifies ancient India along with the seats of most of the world dynasties, and the seats of worship of the Eight Gods among whom God Agni is one, and who is allotted with his seat in the ‘south-east’.
Wherever men go, with them goes the God Volcano, who guides them, warns them, and reminds them of the transitory nature of life and the world they possess.
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