The Land of Cush goes undefined without any clarity on its geographical boundaries as its historical narratives identifies it with the Frankincense producing country; but chained the products of this country to the hands and feet of the Arabians, Africans, Abyssinians, Egyptians, and also the Indians for broader trade interests of its people and its kings. With this ancient holy land are attached the glorious historical chapters of the Pharaohs, but nowhere their historical significance is seen through the geographical narratives of the epic Ramayana though the Pharaohs originally belong to the Og-island and are identified as Persians, and carry such names as Ram, Ramses and Rama.
But name of Cush sees itself through Nubia ; Periplus’s accounts on ivory trade shows a clear geographical link of nations with this trading item of the Cushites that finds its origin with the land of the Elephantine or the breeding ground of the elephants(Hastinapur, or land of the Hastis)
From the records of the inscriptions, belonging to the period from 22nd to 18th c B.C., ‘Cush’ is considered as a wandering tribe in the region of Persian Gulf, Nile river , and the incense producing region; but nowhere this Persian Gulf is seen as same the Caspian Sea. Name of Cush gets attached to the name Elamite or people of El, or El-country but an undefined geographical boundary seems to run throughout their historical narratives.
Land of Cush or Cusha-dvipa instead of retaining its close historical identity with regions of frankincense, cinnamon, myrrh, City of Sun and the Benu Bird or the Sphinx, shifted its relative identity to many other regions. Periplus quotes Benjamin of Tudela’s accounts, and says that, ‘There is seven days’ journey to Khulam which is the beginning of the Sun-worshippers. These are the sons of Cush, who reads the stars and are all black in colour. They are honest in commerce….’
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